My Dear Old Friend

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(Y/N) looked out the plane window as it landed. He sighed as he admired the beauty of Japan after being away for 13 years. Now he's back. He sighed as he toyed with the bracelet on his left wrist. 'Matsuri..' He thought as he remembered the memories he has made with this girl.

He and his big sister left the plane and immediately went to a restaurant. "Man! I can't wait to eat our food!" (S/N) yelled out as they arrived in front of a restaurant, the boy chuckled as he followed her. As they entered, (Y/N)'s eyes was immediately drawn to a group of girls who had animal features such as ears and tails. A wolf girl, dog, cat and a fox girl. He hummed as he sat beside his sister. "Seems they're finally accepted in our society huh?" He nodded as he ordered tea and just a regular ramen. "Finally. They're humans like us, they just have features that makes them cuter." The girls heard this and they blushed except for the cat girl.

His sister nudged his side and whispered. "Oho? I sense a harem, my dear otouto." He rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Please. I only have my eyes set on one." (S/N) sighed sadly as she stretched her fingers. "The chance of you two meeting again is slim. Why don't you try other girls?" She suggested and he sighed. "I did.. Ended up in a locker while her and her jock boyfriend fuck like animals outside.." He said in a low tone as he twiddled with his cup. The four girls heard this as their hearing is phenomenal.

(S/N) looked at him and sighed. "I'm sorry." She reached over and held his hand then squeezed it. "I didn't knew. Why didn't you tell me?" The boy gave her a shrug and leaned on his knuckles. "I don't know. Guess I didn't wanna bother you with something like that." (S/N) sighed and looked towards the four girls, the four girls wore a saddened expression but they immediately looked away when they saw (S/N) looking at their direction. She smirked and stretched her fingers and was about to stand. "Do you remember where Matsuri lives?" He asked and the four let out an audible gasp. "Not really no. As I said, you really need to move on." (Y/N) let out an annoyed growled. "Shut the hell up. I've made a promise to Matsuri, I'm not breaking that." He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "She's the only girl I love, I trust that Matsuri kept her promise too." When (S/N) looked at the girls, he saw that the wolf girl was smiling while the rest were still shocked.

(Y/N) stood up. "Bathroom." He said and went to the bathroom. (S/N) stood and walked over to the four girls. "You all heard it." The wolf girl nodded and looked at her. "Was that (Y/N) by any chance? Ah, my name's Mio." (S/N) nodded and introduced herself. "Yes, how do you know him?" Mio giggled and covered her mouth slightly. "Matsuri always talks about him, it was cute sight to see." (S/N) smiled and leaned against her chair. "Can we meet them?" Mio shook her head. "Sorry, not right now no. Though she is free later 4 in the afternoon, I can tell her to meet you two." (S/N) nodded and cracked her knuckles. "Say, this Matsuri girl. Can she be trusted?" Mio gulped and sweated slightly. "Yes, she can be. Although she can be a bit flirtatious but if what she said about her feelings for (Y/N) is true, then I think she'll stick with him til they die." Mio smiled and this brought comfort to (S/N). "Oh! How rude of me! These are my friends and colleagues, Korone, Okayu and Fubuki!" She pointed at the respective people, (S/N) flashed them a wave and a smile then shot a wink towards Fubuki which earned a blush from her, meanwhile Korone and Okyau radiated smugness while Mio giggled. "Here, my number. Please do text that la-"

"Miiooooo-chaaaaaaaan!" A girl yelled out and the 5 girls looked towards the front door and saw a short girl with brown hair and a taller one with blue hair. "Oh! Matsuri-chan! Sui-chan!" Korone greeted and Mio looked towards (S/N) and pointed towards Matsuri, (S/N) nodded and sat back down to her seat, at the same time, (Y/N) was already approaching the table. "How's the chit chat there?" (S/N) shrugged and pulled her phone out and texted Mio's phone. Mio jumped a bit as her phone vibrated, she held her chest and pulled her phone out and nodded. She hummed as she looked at Okayu and Korone then to Fubuki. They all nodded to each other but Suisei seems to be looking at (Y/N)'s direction.

Strangely enough, both bracelets of (Y/N) and Matsuri started glowing lime green, the two were shocked at the sudden lights emitting from the bracelet. "The hell..?" He whispered as he looked at his bracelet.

From (S/N)'s view, Matsuri was covering her mouth, quivering and almost at tears when she saw the same bracelet on (Y/N)'s wrist. (S/N) whistled to her brother and pointed behind him, he looked back and saw her. The two stared into each others eyes before (Y/N) stood up and hugged her immediately. "I-it's you.." He whispered as the hug was tightened by Matsuri. "13 years.. It's been too damn long!" Matsuri cried out as tears finally came out, she sobbed into his chest and hugged him tighter.

"You kept your promise.." Matsuri sniffled and pulled her head away slightly and looked up at him. "I kept my promise.." Matsuri lips were quivering as tears kept coming out, (Y/N) chuckled as he wiped the tears away and cupped Matsuri's cheeks. "Still cute as ever, but you've definitely gotten beautiful since last time." Matsuri blushed slightly and smiled a bit. "Ugh.. Shut up.." Matsuri muttered as she hugged him again.

Mio, Fubuki, Korone and Okayu were smiling. Suisei stood there with her arms crossed and her eyes closed. (S/N) eyed down the blue haired girl and rose her brow.

Suddenly, Suisei started clapping and smiled. "Congratulations Matsuri." Matsuri giggled and hiccuped and gave Suisei a thumbs up. (S/N) leaned back on her chair and smiled. "Aahh.. All in a day's work.."

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