Unexpected Events (Rushia x F!Reader x Suisei)

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(Y/N) gulped her water down as she just finished a 3 hour singing stream just after her debut stream. "Aahh, my throat is tired. I think I can still do Marshmallows though." She cleared her throat and looked at her chat and saw some heart spams still going, she chuckled at cracked her knuckles as she pulled up the marshmallows. She chuckled at the type of questions that are in it. She didn't noticed the chat getting hyped about Rushia and Suisei being in the chat.

"The questions seems to be memes about my senpais weight and height." She held a laugh back and held her stomach and slapped her desk. "I'm 45 kg! Definitely not 44.5-" She joked as she pulled her mic close. "I'm in trouble!"

The girl giggled as she kept answering questions. "Senpai I look up to? Well, I think all of them. They all bring different things to the table. Though, I do like Rushia-senpai's screaming voice." The girl chuckled as switched to another one. "My crush? None really." She saod as she switched. "Senpai I want to collab with? Hmm. Coco-Kaichou's meme review and probably sing with Suisei-senpai. Oh actually! I do wanna play Minecraft with Polka-senpai! I love watching her get lost everytime." The girl giggled and drank her water. "Aah."

She looked over at chat and saw them laughing and memeing about Polka getting lost. She chuckled as she switched but ran out of questions. "Alright, that's all! I guess I have to explain the tiara I have on my head. I forgot to explain this." She zoomed in on her character's head. "Alright! So this tiara is actually a shape shifter!" The tiara shifted into a small sleeping fox. "Oh, he's asleep! This cutie's name is Orion, no particular reason why I chose the name but it kinda suits him-" I shrugged and chuckled.

Rushia joined (Y/N)'s discord call but decided to stay quiet. Suisei noticed this and joined the call too. Rushia and Suisei had a quiet stand off.

(Y/N) was laughing, sharing stories about her fox pet, she leaned back on her chair as she gently grabbed her fox, she hugged him gently. "Oh! I wanna do a collab with Sora-senpai too! Maybe a 3d collab when I get my 3d model! Probably a bit out there but hey, nothing's impossible!" She cleared her throat and looked to her side and saw two of her senpais in the discord call with her. Her breathing hitched and she started to get a mini panic attack, she tightened the hug on Orion. The chat started to ask about her, if she's okay, why she went quiet and such. Suisei and Rushia noticed this too and unmute themselves. "(Y/N)-chan?! You okay?!" Both yelled at the same time, this startled the girl and she backed away slightly from her computer. She grabbed her chest as she accidentally let Orion go, her hearing was blocked out.

The fox landed on his feet and looked up at his owner, Orion immediately made his way up to (Y/N)'s lap and onto her head and started nibbling on her hair, his tail rubbing her nape while using his paws to squish her cheeks. This actions soon calmed her down, her breathing went back to normal, her hearing came back to her.

She took a second to look around and grounded herself. She sighed quietly and immediately went back to her computer. "Everyone! I'm sorry! Orion just suddenly jumped and I had to chase him!" She lied as the Orion kept comforting her. She grabbed her headphones and wore it and heard her senpais having an argument. "S-senpais?" The moment she spoke, the two girls immediately went quiet. "H-hello?" Her chest tightened a little, their silence is killing her.

"(Y/N)-chan. Me and Rushia-chan just had an agreement. We both like you, like a lot. So, instead of us fighting. We'd rather have a friendly competition to earn your affection. Do you agree?" (Y/N) was stunned and frozen. "Y-yeah?" She managed to mutter out. Sounds of joy can be heard, her chat freaking out in a good way. "Well, we'll see you in the office tomorrow~ Ja ne~" Suisei said in a flirty tone then disconnected."Omae!" Rushia slammed her desk. "A-ah!" She cleared her throat. "(Y-Y/N)-chan~! We'll see you tomorrow! I'll prepare some cupcakes for you~! Bai bai~!" She disconnected from the call.

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