A Devil In Disguise

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In an empty looking office, a lone light shone down on a single table decorated with a few folders and papers and an old looking telephone.

Groaning can be heard in the back, someone shifting around or moving something. A little quake shook the land and the lone light began swinging, exposing more of the surrounding and it showed a very messy office. Papers littered everywhere, pizza boxes just thrown all over the place and some slices just laying on strange places.

The phone rang and more shifting was heard. Light footsteps were approaching but soon, it became heavy as someone now neared the table. A lone man with white hair and red coat approached the table and answered the call. "Yes hello, Devi-" "Contact (Y/N)! We need him!" A voice yelled from the other end and the call was cut.

The man looked at the phone and rubbed his eyes and sat down on the chair. "Man, and here I thought I'd get some action for once!" He complained and kicked his feet up on the table and grabbed the telephone then dialed (Y/N).

A young boy flicked his bangs away as he pulled his mace away from a body but seeing as it was still moving, he gave it another slam on the face and this time, causing the head to explode and blood splattered everywhere but on him. He let out a sigh and wiped the blood from his arm and flicked his mace to remove the blood but had to use his fingers to remove flesh that was stuck on it.

Feeling a vibration, he reached into his back pocket and grabbed his phone. "What's this old man need now?" He muttered as he answered the call. "Yo, what do you want now?" He asked and the voice from the other end just sighed. "THEY need you." He said and hung up and the boy let out a sigh then looked up at the sky. "How long has it been since I was last there.." He whispered to himself and a circle appeared on his feet then vanished into thin air, only leaving an insignia of a skull biting down on a knife.

Appearing in front of a building, he looked up and saw how big the building has changed and how the entrance now look much fancier and well, doesn't look like it's just another entrance to a boring company.

Taking a deep breath, he walked towards the door and walked through it, seeing now that he has entered into a lobby where there's two people on the receptionist table working on something but there was another person on the back, seemingly printing something. He approached the receptionist table, removing his beanie and letting his shoulder length white hair flow freely.

As he approached the receptionist, the people working looked up, revealing the two as a middle aged looking women while the one printing was a young looking woman, around her 20s. "Yes, do you have an appointment?" The woman on the right asked. "My name's (Y/N)." The boy said and the two woman looked shocked for a moment then nodded, pressing a button on the keyboard and the elevator on the right opened. "Please head on through, he's waiting." The right one said and (Y/N) nodded as he walked to the elevator.

He looked to the side and saw a mirror, letting out a sigh and grabbed an elastic band and tied his hair into a bun. Successfully doing so, the doors opened and he left the elevator where a man is pacing around. "Yo Tanigo, what's gotten you worked up?" (Y/N) asked and the man just tossed a phone to him and the boy caught it immediately. "That." The man said and he shifted through the photos, seeing some unidentified beings that are covered in orange mist. "The hell? What are these?" The boy asked and Tanigo looked more distraught. "I was hoping you'd tell me." Tanigo admitted.

(Y/N) set the phone down and leaned back against the wall. "I have no clue. I've fought countless of things but not. That, what even is that?" He asked and Tanigo let out a defeated sigh then sat down. "It was.. One of Shion's and Towa's. Experiment." He said and (Y/N) now understands why this is a problem. "Where are they?" He asked. "Second lobby, you know."

He nodded and (Y/N) proceeded to walk towards the 2nd lobby through an exit in the office. It didn't take long for him to arrive and see everyone bunched together and Shion and Towa at the very back.

He approached the group, at first, no one noticed him but once he past a few girls, they finally noticed him and some let out a few gasps and some were whispering to each other.

"Shion, Towa." He spoke and the others that hasn't noticed his presence looked up and they were all shocked. "S-senpai! It's been a while!" Shion said while Towa tried to hide herself by pulling Bibi down on her face but Bibi decided to jump off from her face and on to (Y/N)'s grasp and snuggled on him. "Hey Bibi." He greeted and returned his gaze on Shion and Towa who crumbled under his gaze.

"S-Shion-chan wanted to test her spells on dead bodies!" Towa blurted out and Shion had a look of betrayal on her face. "I THOUGHT WE TALKED ABOUT THIS!" Shion yelled and Towa crossed her arms. "THIS IS (Y/N) WE'RE TALKING ABOUT! HE'S SCARY!" Towa yelled back.

All while this was happening, Bibi was comfortably laying on your head and was letting out a noise that resembles purring and (Y/N) just stood there, watching the two then looked over to the others who were just smiling awkwardly or talking to each other. "Seems like nothing changed at all huh?" He said and the others nodded while some said yes and Bibi hopped on your head, seemingly trying to say yes.

"Alright alright, cut it out you two. We got a problem to fix." He said as a sword materialised on his hand and pointed at the doorway where the dead was surrounded by orange mist. "Towa and Shion, you two are helping. The rest, get back!" He ordered and they all complied.

(Y/N) then took Bibi off his head and set him down. "Go to moma Aki for now." He said and Bibi hopped and ran to Aki. You then stood up and sent a wink towards Aki who blushed and looked away then your grip on the sword tightened and it turned into a giant broadsword.

He let out a war cry as he threw his sword towards the dead and he rushed them with a saber that materialised on his hand, he sliced down a few easily but then his saber turned into a gauntlet then he started beating up some deads and accidentally making a crater on the ground and unknown entity formed behind him.

His gauntlets turned into a scythe as he twirled it around and sucking up with souls were left on the dead bodies and slammed it into the ground, creating a purple fire that burned up the remaining dead that were approaching. His eyes widen as the mist suddenly started flying to a direction and he looked towards it, seeing a demon forming.

A smile grew on his face and his scythe turned into twin a pistol and he aimed at the demon. "Son of Ve-" (Y/N) cut the demon off by shooting it immediately and he teleported in front of it and a comically large bat materialised and he hit the demon hard, sending it flying towards the ground.

He landed and a bright blue mixed with red sword formed on his waist and he grabbed the hilt of it. "This won't be the last time (Y/N)! One day, I will kill you and your father!" The demon announced and (Y/N) smiled while staring at the demon. "I take more from my uncle." He said as a revolver formed on his hand then winked at the demon. "Jackpot."

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