High Spec Oneesan

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Roboco adjusted her glasses as she leaned against the window, watching over someone. She rubbed her forearm and squeezed it a bit to soothe herself. "Hm?" Her eyes was immediately filled with anger, her arm almost turned into a gun but she stopped it, she looked around the room and found no one. She opened the window and jumped down, thrusters formed around her feet that slowed her descent. She walkes calmly and yelled. "Oi!" The boys turned around and their smug faces turned into shock and horror. "P-president!" The boys yelled out in shock as Roboco approached them. "What do you think." She stopped in front of them. "Are you doing to my damn sister?" She gritted her teeth as her forearm flexed, ready to turn into a stun weapon. The boys eyed her forearm and gulped but the leader laughed out loud. "Hah! Are you kidding me? This clown isn't a woman! He's a man, he has a dick!" The other boys backed off immediately as their leader spoke out. Roboco only gave him a gentle smile that sent shivers down his spine. "Hoooh? Wanna repeat that again?" The leader smirked through his nervousness and spoke out. "It's a ma-" A claw came and grabbed his shoulders. "This should sting." Roboco said sweetly as she sent electricity through the claw.

The leader yelled out in pain, he fell to his knees and Roboco pulled back her claw and turned back into her arm. "Are are? What's happening here Robo-chi?" Miko approached them while fanning herself. "Oh (Y/N)-chan! The uniform suits you!" Miko complimented (Y/N) but saw how dirty her uniform looked. Miko pieced things together and looked at the leader. "Is that so?" Miko smiled and cracked her knuckles.

Roboco walked over to (Y/N) and hugged her while rubbing her back, (Y/N) let out a whimper and finally let out her tears. Miko grabbed the hair of the leader and pointed towards (Y/N). "That's a woman." Miko then pointed back at him. "You're a man." She smiled as she crushed his balls with her fist. "Hooooh? Does that mean you're a woman now as well?" Miko covered his mouth to prevent him from screaming out.

The leader's body shook for a moment before he passed out. Miko looked to his goons and rose her brow before raising her fist. "Want a turn?" They all yelped and ran away in a hurry, occasionally tripping over themselves.

Miko sighed as she approached them. "We really need to transfer back to Holo High, Robo-chi. (Y/N)'s gonna be bullied her nonstop because she's trans." Miko said as she wrapped her arm around (Y/N)'s waist and slowly stood up with her while Roboco sighed and nodded before her right eye glowed blue. "Tanigo-san? Can I have a meeting with you later?" Roboco started talking and walked away with Miko following. "You'll be a fine addition there. No one's gonna bully you there (Y/N), I promise." Miko said and (Y/N) just nodded weakly, letting herself get dragged by Miko.

As they arrived, Miko immediately placed (Y/N) beside her with Roboco at the back. The boys from earlier glared at (Y/N), some of the women glaring at Miko and Roboco.  As the teacher arrived, he gave the class a disappointed sigh. The boys from earlier gained a smug look as they thought Roboco and Miko were gonna scolded. "Roboco-chan, Miko-chan and (Y/N)-chan, you're excused." (Y/N) gave him a look of surprise, Roboco smiled slightly but Miko remained neutral as she lead (Y/N) out.

The other students however, were angry at the teacher. As soon as the three left, the teacher immediately slammed his fists onto the table which startled all of the students.

As the three walked away, Miko and Roboco smiled inwardly as they heard their teacher yelling at their classmates. "Roboco-san! Miko-san!" A girl yelled over, they looked over and saw A-chan. Miko relaxed and smiled finally. Roboco smiled briefly. "We're ready A-chan."

The four of them left via a taxi, (Y/N) was extremely uncomfortable at the cramped space but Roboco was calming her down with her humming and letting (Y/N) listen to her artificial heartbeats.

Soon, (Y/N) passed out on Roboco's lap. Seeing this scene, A-chan smiled and leaned over slightly. "She's really beautiful, Roboco-san." Roboco smiled at A-chan and nodded. "She really is. I remember when she used to steal my makeup." She let out a soft giggle. "It just started with a gag and he questioned himself. With a bit of my help, she finally found herself but she's doubting herself because of that damn school." Roboco said through her teeth.

"You don't gotta worry about a thing." A-chan reassured her but Roboco nodded. "I know, I'm sure Luna would love to help (Y/N)." Miko giggled a bit. "I remember Luna putting so much make up on Tamaki." All three giggled as they recalled that memory. "I'm sure she'd love Rushia." Miko muttered and closed her eyes.

Roboco looked out the window and sighed as she hugged (Y/N) close. "I just hope the rest does accept her. I don't want her to be left out again." Roboco whispered to herself and closed her eyes, nervous and excited for the rest to see her beautiful sister.

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