In Another Life

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Ayame and (Y/N) fought side by side, repelling the attacks of the humans. The demonkind were extremely shocked that (Y/N), the son of a highly influential human is fighting for preservation of the demonkind.

What really surprised the most is that (Y/N) can somehow utilize demonkind abilities. His blazing speed was unmatched, not even Ayame can keep up with him. But, he lacked control of his hatred. The demons nurtured their hatred and used it to enhanced their abilities, but for a mere human to be able to use it even with minimal control and with such power, impressed the demons.

But after all, (Y/N) was only human. After 4 long days of attacks from the humans, (Y/N)'s body started collapsing on itself due to the extreme heat of the abilities of the demons. On the 5th day, dread fell upon the demonkind as they saw an army looming over the horizon. Ayame issued a retreat for her people. "Princess! You can't win against that army!" (Y/N) stood by Ayame and agreed with the demon. "Ayame, you need to go. My father and the king has somehow gathered our neighboring kingdoms army's. I'll stay and buy you all time." He said with much confidence. Ayame looked at him with worry. "But.." He shooked his head and kissed her forehead gently. "I promise my precious ojou, we'll meet again. I promise" (Y/N) pulled a ring from his finger and slid it on Ayame's. "This ring was given to me by my mother." He chuckled and let out a brief sigh. "Now I have a reason to get back to you. You better not lose it or my mom will haunt me nonstop!" A giggle escape from Ayame's lips which warmed his heart and cooled his nerves.

Ayame nodded and stood. "All of you, with me!" Ayame yelled as she ran away from the battlefield, her people following her. (Y/N) took a deep breath as he unsheathed his claymore. His grip on it tightened, flames now infusing with his blades. Due to his body collapsing on itself, malicious demons are now able to invade his blade. Feeding his hatred and making him stronger at the cost of losing his humanity and sanity. His eyes opened, his pupils were half slits.

He let out a shaky breath as he looked on at the king's endless army in front of him. Silence filled the air but the tension is felt by both sides. Horns soon filled the quiet air, (Y/N)'s muscles tensed then flex then ran towards the army. Gaining tremendous amount of speed in a short span. "FIRE!" He heard as he rushed the first cavalry and dispatched them immediately. He looked up and saw volley of arrows, he narrowly avoided it and dispatched another batch of footsoldiers and cavalry.

Seeing an opening to the archers, he rushed them immediately. Unknowingly this was a trap set by his father. Midway, his eyes widen as he was met by boulders that were hurled by the catapults. He swung his claymore and managed to destroy some but was hit. He groaned in pain as he crushed the boulder by slamming his fists on it.

As he was about to stand, he was hit by volleys of arrows. He yelled in pain as arrows pierced his entire body, hitting vital organs. He broke them all but the arrow tips stayed inside him. He pushed himself up and began massacring more soldiers.

As the sun started to set,  his body was starting to slow down, the skin on his forearm already melted and exposing some veins and his bone. He was panting hard, a lot more arrows were sticking out of him. He looked up and saw a child approaching him, his brows furrowed as purple light came from her hands. "Name's Shion you filthy wretch. Now die!" He was about to rush her but was impaled through the mouth with a giant spike. He tried to move forward still but Shion finished him of summoning a giant hammer and smashed his head in. Anger took over her as she continued smashing his body, she kept going until it was all but paste.

From afar, Ayame watched on. She was on her knees, crying for her friend. All she had in her mind was revenge and it fueled her anger. Her pupils turned blood red, her body bent backwards slightly as she wailed out like a banshee. The scream was heard by the king and his men, effectively destroying their eardrums and disorientating them.

To say that it was a massacre was an understatement, Ayame has dismantled and destroyed 3 kingdoms. Now she stood in the ashes of her destruction, tears tricking down as she held her hand that had the ring on it. "You promised.."She muttered as she fell on her knees again. "You promised to me you sick bastard.." She looked up in the sky. "Why is the world so cruel.." She muttered as she held his sword in his hand and hugged it.

Ayame opened her eyes,  her eyes immediately locked with a girl in front of her. "Finally you woke up, come on, we got a meeting." Ayame sighed and nodded then stood up. "Ne Shion-tan, what's the meeting about anyways?" She said in her sleepy voice. "Hmm, Yagoo said it was about Gen 5." Ayame nodded as she followed Shion.

They arrived and everyone was there, as they sat down. Ayame's adrenaline kicked in as she looked at Yagoo. She drew (Y/N)'s blade which she kept all these years, the blade was now dull. She onky keep it on her person as a remembrance, only now did she drew it and aimed it at Yagoo's throat which surprised everyone. "AYAME?!" Mio yelled out. Noel immediately grabbed Ayame and tried to pull her away but proved to heavy even for Noel. Yagoo remained still as he made eye contact with her, Ayame faltered as she read his eyes. She slowly reeled her arms back and looked down at her dominant hand. Her eyes widen as she saw the ring glowing.

Mio slowly approached Ayame. "A-ayame?" Ayame didn't bother turning around as she sprinted out through the window. "AYAME!" Mio yelled out as she tried to follow her but was pulled back by Fubuki. As they all looked on, they see Ayame running away.

Ayame was seen running through a forest, cutting down any branches or bushes that got in her way. As she sped up, the grass under her caught fire. But strangely, the fire doesn't spread.

As she approached an opening, she saw a shrine and a young man sitting stop a giant boulder. Ayame slowed down, clearly fascinated about the man. He wore a ponytail, is wearing jeans, a simple V-neck T-shirt and a sweater on top. He slowly turned his head to Ayame and smiled. "I promised, didn't I?"

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