A New Life

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You narrowed your eyes as two bright lights blinded you, you hovered your arm around your eyes to cover the lights. Your eyes widen as you heard honking, you look up and see a truck spiralling out of control and heading towards your way. You braced for impact as you closed your eyes, you felt the truck make contact with you. But as soon as it did.

You suddenly woke up, drenched in sweat, you were panting slightly as you removed the blanket on top of you. "That dream again?" You muttered as you sat up and rubbed the sleepiness away from your eyes. You groaned as you saw the time. "School doesn't start in three hours anyways.." You wanted to lay down but your body stood and walked out and into the kitchen. 'Woah woah! Where are you going?!' You yelled out internally as your body moved, grabbing some eggs and bread.

Your body started cleaning the house after you cooked, the scene was surreal. You were like an observer. A door in front of your room opened, a bubblegum haired girl came out. "Ohayo.. Niichan.." She muttered out, your eyes widen, realizing who it was. "Ohayo Luna-hime-chan. Your breakfast is ready." She pouted at the nickname you gave her. "Mou.." She stomped her feet cutely. "Hai hai, couldn't help it." You chuckled  as you now gained full control of your body again, a sudden surge of memories suddenly came back to you. From your early childhood, to your parents leaving you and Luna to fend off for yourselves. 'I got.. Isekaid..?' You thought as you watched your little sister Luna eat. Your eyes widen as you realized that this Luna works at Hololive. Meaning you'd get to meet all of them. You got giddy and a goofy smile was plastered on your face. "Niichan, I got a dance practice later-nora. So I'll be a bit late, Coco-chan will make sure I get home safely-nanora." She said and you nodded. "Hai, just make sure you rest immediately when you get back."

You were quite surprised with yourself, you're really calm despite realizing that this life is what every hololive fan dream. Though, you feel a bit disappointed you aren't Rushia's big brother. But you're happy nonetheless, being a big brother to the best princess of hololive. You smiled as you pat her head.

Time seemed to have flew past, you now see yourself combing and fixing Luna's hair and applying some perfume on her. You chuckled as you fixed her tiara. "Sometimes, I really think you're a royalty." Luna giggled as she gave a grin. "Rushia-senpai wants more of your cooking, niichan. She's beem bugging me for 2 weeks-nanora." You chuckled and rubbed her head. "Alright alright, I'll make food for you guys." Luna gave you a heartwarming smile and hugged you. "Naaaaaa, you're the best~" Chuckling, you pried Luna off from you. "Go, you're late. I still have to prepare."

As Luna left, your body started moving on it's own again. You resumed cleaning and organizing Luna's room. You sign in disappointment as you saw Luna's pile underwear in the corner. 'She really is a spoiled brat.' You chuckled inwardly as you shoved all of her dirty clothes in the basket. You scooted over to the laundry room and separated the coloured and just shoved it all in the washing machine. As midday came around.

'It's high noon.' You chuckled to yourself as you glanced at the clock. You sighed and cracked your knuckles, grabbing a basket and heading out to the supermarket. As you walked, you whistled to yourself. Suddenly, you feel yourself taking in control of your body again, you stopped walking and looked confused. "Huh?" You looked down before looking around, at the corner of your eye, you spotted a green hair person quickly hiding away as you turn to it's direction. Suddenly, you feel yourself losing control again, you continued your walk to the supermarket. 'That was.. Weird..' You thought as you entered the supermarket, immediately grabbing Luna's favourite snacks, candies and drinks. After grabbing it, you made your way to the other side of the market. Picking and buying vegetables, meats and alike.

As a green butterfly landed on your knuckles, you feel yourself taking in control again. You stared at the butterfly, your eyes widen as you immediately whipped your head around, you immediately recognized that necromancer anywhere. She was too slow to hide away but she hid nonetheless. 'Why the hell is she following me?' You pretended you didn't saw her, you paid for everything and went straight home.

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