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"So now do you wanna tell me the real reason you didn't wanna go with them" Destiny turned to Ruben after she locked the front door.

"Just family shit id rather not talk about it" Ruben looked over at her from the couch.

"Nah it's all good I feel you. Stay as long as you need" Destiny nodded and picked up the empty pizza box and threw it in the trashcan. She gave the leftovers to Forth grade to bring home in a ziplock bag.

"So what now?" Destiny asked and sat next to Ruben on the couch.

Ruben didn't say anything. Instead, he leaned in real quick and started to kiss destiny. She gave in for a second but quickly pulled away.

"Ruben... Um," Destiny stared at him.

"I'm sorry... I- I don't know" Ruben stuttered. "I'm sorry I know you and Stevie are like a thing and whatever but I don't know I just.."

"No it's okay don't be sorry and me and Stevie are definitely not a thing.. I thought we had something but um he's just being a bitch and won't talk to me" Destiny rolled her eyes.

"Oh, what happened?" Ruben quickly changed the subject.

"Honestly I'm not sure... After we did it at the party and I got ground and all that he just like hasn't talked to me at all.. Which is just weird to me" Destiny shrugged.

"Oh well yeah he can be an ass sometimes he's just hot-headed" Ruben added.

"Yeah well I'm gonna head to bed you can sleep in my room if you want because I'm not sure when my mom's gonna be back..?" Destiny got up from the couch and turned off the tv.

"Okay that's fine" Ruben nodded.

"Okay cool," Destiny turned off all the house lights and walked into her room and Ruben followed behind her.


"Knock knock" Tiffany tried to open Destiny's bedroom door but it was locked.

"hmm... what time is it" Destiny rubbed her eyes and groaned.

"It's like noon," Tiffany said.

"Why are you home so late" Destiny sat up in her bed and looked at Ruben who was knocked out still.

"I had things to do. But get your ass up and clean this house I don't care if you had friends over but you need to clean after them" Tiffany stated and walked away from behind the door.

"mmhmm" Destiny mumbled.

She stretched for a second and turned to
Ruben. She slightly shook his arm trying to wake him up.

"Hey hey I'm up" Ruben lightly hit destiny's arm away and opened his eyes.

"Morning wanna go get some food?" Destiny stood up from her bed and opened her closet.

"holy fuck your hair.. it's different" Ruben's eyes followed destiny as she got clothes out of her closet.

"What do you mean? You saw it last night" Destiny slightly laughed.

"I wasn't paying much attention I don't know" Ruben got up.

"What do you wanna get to eat?" Destiny asked as she pulled her shirt off and put a white baggy T-Shirt on.

"Denny's!" Ruben got excited, "but wait we have no money" Ruben added.

"Don't worry about that it's on me" Destiny put on the shoes she wore the day before. She kept on her Pajama shorts. "let's bounce"

Ruben got up from destiny's bed and slid his shoes onto his feet. Destiny unlocked her bedroom door and walked out and Ruben followed behind her.

"Mother meet Ruben, Ruben, Meet Tiffany" Destiny introduced them.

"Hello, nice to meet you" Ruben put his hand out. Tiffany smiled and lightly shook it.

"Okay is this boyfriend? Friend? fuck buddy?" Tiffany took a sip from her mini Hennessy bottle and a hit of her cigarette right after.

"Just friends," Destiny assured.

"Okay be safe" Tiffany looked at her.

"Mhmm yes will do" Destiny opened the front door and grabbed her board and Ruben did the same.

"Sorry about that she can be a little weird sometimes" Destiny put her board on the ground and got on.

"Oh, no worries" Ruben smiled and looked behind him to see Stevie sitting on his porch with a bloody nose.

"Sup sunburn" Ruben waved and sat his board on the floor.

"Hey" He nodded.

"What the hell happened to you?" Destiny looked at the boy.

"Nothing just tripped" Stevie shrugged.

"Okay... Well catch you later" Destiny said. "oh yeah I'm gonna need you to show me the way I have no idea where the fuck Denny's is"

"For sure" Ruben started to skate towards the city. Destiny followed behind him.

LISTERINE - MID 90s '' sunburn Where stories live. Discover now