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July 1,

Destiny looked at Ruben and widened her eyes, "Holy shit, you look like a goblin" She laughed.

"I'm glad I got the right kind, I wasn't sure if you'd like it or not" Ruben smiled and shrugged.

"Oh my gosh yes it's perfect Thank you! I haven't done face masks in forever" Destiny sat up on the sink and looked at Ruben.

"Thank you" Ruben stood in front of Destiny.

"For what?" She inquired.

"For everything. Like I don't know where'd I be right now if it wasn't for you" Ruben looked down into Destiny's eyes.

"Of course! you don't have to thank me" Destiny looked into his eyes.

Ruben took a step closer and continued to look at Destiny. She didn't move.

She froze, "Um the party is soon we should probably wash these off now" Destiny stuttered.

"I know you feel it too" Ruben moved and grabbed two wash cloths.

"Feel what?" Destiny hopped off the sink.

"The connection" Ruben handed her a cloth.

Destiny didn't say anything she just wet off her wash cloth and started to take the face mask off.

As soon as Destiny finished washing her face she walked straight into her bedroom.

Destiny grabbed out a black skirt, a red cropped top with spaghetti straps, and black + white converse, and changed into it. She grabbed a black mini jacket and put it on as well.

Ruben walked in the room and grabbed his shoes. Destiny glanced at him but quickly back in the mirror.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yes" She looked over at him slightly and nodded.

"Okay well I'll be outside whenever your ready" Ruben walked out of the room.

Destiny grabbed her black backpack and put a bathing suit, lip gloss, and an extra pair of clothes inside it.

Destiny walked to her moms room and made sure she was asleep and grabbed her keys. She walked outside held the keys up to Ruben.

Destiny smiled, "Look what I got!!" She danced around in a circle.

"fuck yeah! Let's bounce!" Ruben laughed and got the keys from destiny's hand.

They both got into the car and sat there.

"Who's that?" Destiny pointed at a car that pulled up by Stevie's house.

"I'm not sure.. it looks like Estee's car I think?" Ruben shrugged.

"oh.. Okay" Destiny slowly nodded.


"Oh shit Ruben and Tiny here!!" Fuck shit exclaimed and wrapped his arms around Ruben and Destiny.

"Hey bro" Ruben gave him a bro hug.

"Hi!" Destiny smiled.

That's when Stevie came in when Estee and her group of girls.

Destiny locked eye contact with Stevie and shrugged at him then walked towards the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of Malibu and started to chug it.

"I'm gonna take this away from you" Ray laughed and took the bottle away from Destiny.

"That's a good Idea" Destiny agreed.

"What's up? I haven't seen you around in awhile" Ray inquired.

"Oh nothin really just been chillin" Destiny glanced around the room trying to spot Stevie.

Ray continued to talk but Destiny tuned it out. She was upset that Stevie came with Etsee. They weren't dating but she still had the feeling of jealousy.

Destiny had, doubts and mistrust. She became preoccupied with the fear of betrayal.

"Tiny? You good" Ray snapped his fingers in her face.

"Yes. Yeah i'm fine. Um i'm gonna go hit the hot tub" Destiny nodded her head and walked away.

Destiny walked outside and took off her shirt and skirt and put them inside her backpack. She then sat her backpack against a wall and walked over to the hot tub.

Nobody was outside except for Destiny. She dipped the tip of her toe into the water and quickly took it out. she swallowed her spit and just got inside all at once.

Destiny sat there feeling unfocused and ungrounded. She was unable to feel anything in a particular part of her body she was just frozen sitting there relaxing as all the alcohol she had just drank started to kick in.

Destiny opened her eyes as she heard the slider being opened, "Well, Well, Well if it isn't the one and only Ruben" She smiled and sat up.

"Holy shit your eyes looked busted as fuck" Ruben laughed and got into the hot tub siting across from Destiny.

"Very funny" Destiny playfully rolled her eyes and let out a smile revealing her dimples.

"Why are you alone? It's a party we're supposed to be having fun" Ruben inquired.

"Because today's the day where i've come to terms with reality, and fuck it all!" Destiny cheered.

Ruben looked at Destiny and laughed, "That's the alcohol talking" He said.

"Even if that is true who gives a shit? I mean we're kids why do we have so much heavy shit to deal with, I just wanna have fun, man" Destiny smiled and shook her head.

"Your so cute, you know that?" Ruben store at Destiny.

"Oh Ruben stop that" She laughed and playfully hit him.

"But the sucky part is, is that you don't even understand that" Ruben got closer to Destiny.

Destiny didn't say anything she just looked at Ruben. She moved in closer too.

"What if I told you to kiss me right now?" Destiny placed a hand on Rubens cheek.

"I'd do as told" Ruben looked into her eyes.

"Then do it" Destiny stated.

Ruben then leaned in and began to kiss her. They both got pretty into it and felt more connected to the other person.

After a few minutes Destiny pulled away and store at ruben.

"Are you fucking serious?" Stevie angrily stated as he stood there staring at them.

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