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  It was the last and final morning before Destiny had to leave. She and the guys had a sleepover and did everything Destiny chose such as face masks, watch movies, play games, and gossip. They left because Destiny wasn't feeling very well and threw up a few times.

Destiny sat on the edge of her bed and store at her feet. This was it. The final day in her home before she had to move in with a stranger that she had only spoke to a few times on the phone.

Destiny got up and walked into the living room, her mother was standing on the phone with a huge smile on her face.

Destiny frowned her eyebrows at her mother and mouthed 'what'.

Tiffany softly shook her head at Destiny and then hung up the phone.

"What?" Destiny stated with an attitude.

"Nothing." Tiffany grinned, "You ready to drive around and say your final goodbyes?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah let me just put my bags in the car." Destiny said and walked to her bedroom.

She sighed and looked around her room, "I'll be back before I know it." she muttered to herself. She grabbed her suit case off of the floor.

Destiny walked outside to her mothers car with her suitcase and put it in the trunk. She glanced over at Stevie's house and walked over.

She knocked on the front door.

Stevie answered the front door, "I was just about to come over." he smiled and pulled Destiny into a hug.

Destiny held onto Stevie and rest her head in his chest as her eyes began to water, "I'm going to miss you so much." she muttered.

"Yo, Yo it's going to be okay I promise you. Plus you'll be back soon enough." Stevie rubbed her back.

"Do you wanna come with me as I drive around to say by to people?" Destiny asked.

"Of course." Stevie nodded his head and closed the front door.

Destiny gently smiled and walked to her mother's car, She sat next to Stevie in the back seat.

Once Tiffany was ready she got into the drivers seat and began to drive to Zoe's house.

After about 20 minutes of driving to Beverly hills they had finally arrived at Zoe's house. Destiny got out of the car and walked to the front door.

Mark answered it and a grin formed on his face, "Well hello" he moved out of the way so Destiny could walk inside.

"Zoe here?" Destiny asked.

"In her room." Mark stated and closed the front door, "What's the matter?" he looked down at her.

"Uh nothing I just don't feel well right now, I'm gonna use the bathroom i'll be back." Destiny walked upstairs.

Destiny walked into Zoe's bathroom and closed the door behind her. She sat on the toilet and looked around the bathroom. On the counter there was a box of pregnancy tests.

Destiny hesitatently got up from the toilet and quickly grabbed out of the box. She she store at it for a few seconds then peed on it.

Destiny held the test in her hands for a few seconds covering the results as she began to get anxious. She finally looked at the test. Her eyes began to start pouring out tears as she continued to stare blankly at the test.

Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. Destiny got off the toilet and sat the test down on the counter.

She bent forward where she sat on the floor and pressing her palms to the mat, she began to cry with the force of a person vomiting on all fours.

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