
750 12 0

July 15,

Destiny woke up and looked to her right and saw her mother still sleeping in her bed. She store at her mother and kissed her cheek, "love you even if I don't show it" she whispered in her ear, and reached over her mother and grabbed her keys.

Destiny got up and opened her closet and pulled out a black graphic T-shirt, blue baggy jean shorts, and her B&W converse.

She grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. she sat her clothes down on the counter and started a shower.

After Destiny finished her shower, she put on her clothes and shoes, and she out the keys in her pocket She then walked out of her bathroom and into the kitchen. She grabbed a strawberry yogurt from the fridge and opened it.

Without grabbing a spoon or anything Destiny guzzled the yogurt down and threw the container away. She wiped her mouth after.

Destiny opened the front door and walked outside. It was still dark out. She walked over to Stevie's front door and grabbed the key from under his matt and unlocked it.

She quietly closed the door behind her and walked to Stevie's room. she sat on the edge of his bed for a second and just store around the room.

Destiny turned to face him and shook his shoulder a little bit, "Yo, Stevie come on" she continued to shake him.

Stevie opened his eyes slowly sat up, "What the hell are you doing here" he groaned.

"Get dressed hurry up" Destiny stood up and pulled him out of his bed.

"Okay okay," Stevie stretched for a second then walked over to his closet and grabbed a shirt and pair of jeans.

"Can we bring this?" Destiny picked up his camera from his dresser.

"Yeah sure just don't break it" Stevie slipped his shoes on his feet.

Destiny nodded and picked up the camera and watched Stevie get himself ready.

She didn't even really care about them being in an argument at that moment because she knew she'd regret it if she left and didn't get to spend time with him.

"Ready?" Destiny asked, and got a nod from Stevie. They quietly walked out of his room and out of the house.

Destiny took the key out of her pocket and placed it back under the mat, "We're stealing my mom's car" destiny walked into her driveway and flashed her mom's keys to Stevie with a smile.

"Holy shit" Stevie chuckled and opened the passenger side door and got in.

Destiny got in the driver's seat and buckled herself in, "just so you know what we're doing is illegal but we'll live I'm sure" Destiny started the car.

Stevie didn't say anything he just slightly glanced at Destiny and nodded.

Destiny looked at Stevie and then looked again, "Oh come on. Don't be like that, I've made the wise decision to not be mad anymore" Destiny chuckled.

"mad at what?" Stevie made a confused face.

"You fucking Estee and whatnot" Destiny shrugged.

"What the fuck I did not fuck Estee" Stevie stated.

"Then why are you always with her and lying to me about it" Destiny furrowed her eyebrows.

"well because she actually paid attention to me, and listened to my problems and she didn't revolve the world herself every second" Stevie shouted.

"What the fuck does that mean? you know you can tell me anything don't play dumb all of a sudden" Destiny scoffed.

"Oh really? then where were you when my brother beat the shit out of me and I needed comfort? where were you when my mom and I get into it and I need you?" Stevie looked outside the window.

"fuck is that why you had the bruises and stuff.. Look I'm so sorry I had no Idea" Destiny glanced at Stevie then back at the road.

About 5 minutes had passed and the car was filled with silence.

"Stevie.." Destiny muttered.

"Destiny.." Stevie glanced over at her.

"talk to me" Destiny looked at him.

"stop ignoring me" Destiny whined. "Stevie" she pouted, "okay your such a dick stop" Destiny hit his arm.

"Okay well I'm hungry so I'll be back" Destiny opened the car door and was about to get out but Stevie pulled her back in.

"dude what the f-" Destiny got cut off.

Stevie started kissing her. Destiny pulled away and store at him.

"Your so annoying" Destiny playfully scoffed and pressed her lips back against his.

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