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June 21,

"Destiny! You better fucking open this door I won't ask you again!! I've been standing her for half and hour what the fuck is going on" Tiffany pounded on destiny's door.

"ugh what the fuck" Destiny rubbed her eyes and sat up in her bed. She stretched her arms and got up and opened her door.

"What" Destiny scoffed.

"Why the fuck is there a boy in your bed! and why are you in a bra and underwear!!" Tiffany shoved destiny out of the way and walked inside the room.

"Here it is" Tiffany picked up the bag of molly and faced destiny, "i'd like a word with you in my room. Now." tiffany walked out.

"Shit.." Destiny mumbled. She grabbed a t shirt and put it on.

"Yo stevie what the fuck happened last night" Destiny whispered in stevie's ear.

"Hmm what" Stevie mumbled into the pillow.

"Nevermind just stay here i'll be right back" destiny walked out of the room and shut the door.

She then walked into her mothers room and shut the door behind her, "I can explain" Destiny blurted.

"What? That my 15 year old daughter stole my fucking molly and did who knows what with the neighbors son?? Yeah please do I'd really like to know" Tiffany shouted.

"Oh come on when you were my age you probably did way worse" Destiny rolled her eyes, "and to be honest I don't even remember what happened" she added.

"Yeah no fucking shit that's the point of molly." Tiffany stated.

Destiny didn't say anything she just looked around the room refusing to make eye contact with her mom.

"God" Tiffany rubbed her eyes as they began to water.

"What?" Destiny asked.

"I just don't want you to end like me, trust me I know it's all fun and games now but look how I ended up, or an even better explain look how your father ended up" Tiffany sniffled.

"Don't be like that come on... Your perfect okay? You've tried your hardest and you did a hell of a job raising me all by yourself especially since you were so young when you had me" Destiny sat next to tiffany on the bed and put her arm around her.

"Thank you" Tiffany kissed her cheek, "Okay now go have fun" Tiffany playfully pushed her.

"Okay okay i'll have fun.. But not too much fun" Destiny smirked and walked back to her room.

"Sup" Stevie pulled up his pants.

"Fuck I have no memory of anything that happened last night" Destiny grabbed a pair of jeans and put them on.

"Neither do I but my head hurts like a bitch" Stevie grabbed his shoes and sat on the edge of the bed.

Destiny fixed fluffed her hair a little, "The last I remember is taking the molly" she turned around and faced Stevie, "Did we.. Ya know?" She hinted.

"well from the way we woke up i'm assuming" Stevie laughed and finished tying his shoes.

"Where to today?" Destiny asked.

"Ice cream?" Stevie stood up from the bed.

"With what money?" Destiny opened her bedroom door.

"Don't worry about it let's go" Stevie grabbed their boards and walked out of the room.

"Whatever you say" Destiny followed behind him and playfully rolled her eyes.

Stevie opened the front door and they both walked out of the house locked the door behind them.

Destiny looked up and say Ruben walking towards her house. She glanced and Stevie then back at Ruben, "oh uh hold on a sec" Destiny said and walked over to Ruben.

"Um hey" Destiny stood in front of Ruben and looked at him.

"Oh hey tiny" Ruben smiled and side hugged her.

Destiny store at Stevie as she slightly hugged Ruben back but quickly let go, " Um where ya headin?" She inquired.

Ruben let go and looked at Stevie then back at Destiny, "Well was just about to stop at your place but it looks like your busy" Ruben shrugged.

"Oh well I mean yea- I am but.. You can stay if you need. No problemo" Destiny looked around.

"Oh no no it's okay... But thanks though" Ruben stated.

"Oh okay... Well uh catch you later then?" Destiny slightly waved and put her board on the ground.

"Yeah see ya" Ruben walked away.

Stevie walked over to destiny and sat his board on the ground beside hers, "That was weird" He said.

"The weirdest shit ever" Destiny agreed.

She figured that maybe he was having a bad day? Or maybe just wanted to hangout with her. Destiny didn't really think too much of it.

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