
538 8 1

July 26,

    A few days had gone by since the party and Destiny kind of laid low and just chilled at home for the most part.

   Destiny sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes, "Ruben?" she glanced around her room trying to find him.

She frowned her eye brows and got up from
her bed, and she then walked out of her room and into the kitchen.

"What are you doing" Destiny leaned against the wall and store at Ruben.

"Making food" Ruben stated, "Don't worry I know you won't eat it so I made you a smoothie instead" he added.

Destiny smiled at him and walked over and sat on the island, "Thanks" she started to drink it, "Strawberry Banana" Destiny smirked.

Ruben smiled back at Destiny and continued to make his eggs.

"So.. Plans for today?" Destiny inquired.

"Nope, probably just gonna chill"

"What's wrong with you, you seem off" Destiny frowned her eye brows.

"Nothing, just thinkin" Ruben stated.

"Look, if it has anything to do with the party, i'm telling you right here right now that nothing happened. I swear." Destiny huffed.

"I know that's what you believe but trust me if you would've saw the way you looked when I found you, you wouldn't be saying that and all I can think about is you needing someone to be there and help you and I feel so fucked up for that"

Destiny rolled her eyes, "I don't feel sorry for you ruben" she got off the island, "hurry up and eat so we can leave" Destiny walked into her room.


"I cant believe he's leaving tomorrow" Destiny sighed as her and Ruben walked to Motors.

"I know, But it's a good thing I'm proud of him" Ruben stated and held the pizza's in his hands.

Destiny opened the door and let Ruben walk in first and she followed behind him.

"Surprise! even though you already knew we were coming!" Destiny slightly laughed and sat on the couch next to Stevie.

"I still can't believe your actually leaving man, i'm proud of you" Ruben stated and sat the pizza on the counter.

"It sucks that I gotta leave so early, like it don't even start for a few weeks" Ray nodded and opened the box of pizza from behind the counter.

"I missed you" Stevie whispered in Destiny's ear as he wrapped his arm around her.

Destiny smiled up at him, "Missed you too, sorry I haven't been around there's been some stuff I had to process"

"Oh yea? Like what" Stevie asked.

"I don't wanna ruin their conversation can we go outside?" Destiny looked down at her hands.

"Yeah of course" Stevie nodded and stood up, "Yo guys we'll be right back" he said and walked out to the back.

Destiny looked at everyone and they nodded and continued with their conversations. Destiny went out back.

"Are you okay?" Stevie frowned his eyebrows.

"Look, I don't want to hurt you.. again, but at the party I think I ya know did it with someone but I can't remember" Destiny muttered and looked down at the floor.

Stevie chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair, "Again.?? I- I'm not even hurt I should've expected it from you, and how do you not remember?"

Destiny sighed and looked up at Stevie, "He gave me some drink and I- I don't know okay! I guess I just like passed out and when I woke up I was in a car with Ruben.."

"That doesn't make sense? If you were passed out how do you know that even happened then?" Stevie sat on the floor against the wall.

"Ruben said that my underwear and stuff was down when he found me, So obviously I must've did it and forget! I don't remember god, i'm sorry" Destiny placed her hands on her face and started walking in circles.

"Stop. Come here" Stevie put his arms out causing Destiny to stop and frown her eyes brows at him.

"What?" Destiny inquired and looked down at Stevie.

"Come here" Stevie calmly stated.

Destiny nodded and got onto the floor beside Stevie and rested her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her.

"We both know, what happened even if you don't want to admit it" Stevie sighed.

"I- I don't want to believe it, it just doesn't seem possible how could I let that happen" Destiny mumbled.

"I'm sorry that this happened, But i'm not mad at you and it's not your fault okay? I never want you to feel like it is and i'm always here if you need me no matter what the circumstances are" Stevie rubbed her back.

"Please don't tell anyone, I don't want it going around" Destiny said.

"Don't worry, I won't" Stevie assured, "But if you don't mind me asking, who was it?" he added.

"Stevie, no" Destiny glanced up at him.

"Okay, Okay fine, but if anything ever happens please tell me, so I can be here for you. I know most of the people in your life that you care about either leave or just aren't emotionally there for you, and I want you to know I'm here. I understand how you might feel and want to push everyone away but trust me you need to have at least one person to go to when you feel like shit" Stevie let out.

Destiny nodded her head, "If you feel comfortable with me asking, but does someone hit you or anything..?"

Stevie slightly widened his eyes and looked sighed, "Ian is pretty hot headed and has a bad temper, and a couple times i've lost my temper on him but it doesn't end well but it's chill" he stated.

"I'm sorry.. i'm here for you too, I hope you know that behind all my bitchyness is a soft emotionally damaged teen, that's just trying to get through life day by day" Destiny assured.

Stevie nodded his head and continued to rub Destiny's back, "Stevie?"

Stevie glanced down at her, "Hmm?"

Destiny made eye contact with him, "I never really say this a lot and i'm terrible at showing it.., but I.. Love you...." she closed her eyes and turned her head away.

Stevie smiled, "I love you too Destiny" he used his free hand to cup Destiny's face and look down at her.

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