Chapter 14

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Homura's eyes fluttered open as she felt warmth against her body. She hugging something. "Mh... Wait! Sasuke?" she asked sitting up as a certain black-haired boy woke with a jerk. "Oh hey. I didn't mean to sleep here but you had a death grip on me. Mum's gonna be so worried!" He muttered jumping off. "T-thank you for bringing me home" Homura whispered. "No worries. I've always felt you to like a sister to me" he shrugged "by the way we have little over half an hour to get to the training ground" he said leaving through the window. "Shit!" She muttered quickly getting dressed into suitable clothing, before remembering that this was Kakashi they were dealing with. "I'll just get a bit more sleep" she yawned jumping back into her bed.


Sasuke soon arrived at his home to the smell of fresh eggs. "Hello sweetie. Where were you last night?" His mother asked. "Staying at a friends. Sorry I didn't tell you but it was a split second choice" he said smiling at her. Mikoto tried to get Sasuke to eat but he refused saying his sensei said he couldn't before he left the house with all of his ninja gear.


Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura where all there and Naruto was sending Sasuke looks of worry and Sasuke was shrugging, he had no idea where Homura was. Three hours later Homura turned up looking fully refreshed and tucking something away in her bag. "Hey! Teme! Where the hell have you been?" Naruto asked her. "Sleeping" she shrugged. "I have food if anyone wants it" she said. "But sensei said we would puke if we ate!" Sakura said. Homura shrugged and tucked the food away in her bag.

"Hello! How is everyone this fine morning?" Kakashi asked arriving five minutes later. "You're late!" Sakura and Naruto shouted at him. "Oh a black cat crossed my path and I decided to take the long way" he said shrugging. 'Lie. You went to visit Rin and Obito' Homura thought with a small frown. "Alright today is a survival test. You just gotta get these bells off of me" Kakashi said swinging three bells around his fingers. "But there are only three! One of us won't get one!" Naruto said. "Yes. Very good! That one will go without lunch and get sent back to the academe. Now you have until lunch" Kakashi said smiling at them. He knew Homura had taken this test with Ikibi about a thousand times and hoped she could guide the others to knowing it was about team work.

Naruto made some sort of outburst which caused Kalashi to give a cold reply, he was expecting a reaction but from Homura not Naruto. Naruto attacked and Kakashi quickly pinned him down, still no reaction. Smirking under his mask he got the fact that she knew he was trying to get her mad not Naruto, he set them loose.

Homura wanted to see if they could work as a team and stayed out of sight. "Hello Homura-chan! What is going on?" Zetsu asked coming out of the ground. "Finalist exams. We get through here we are ninja" she said rolling her eyes "but the goal is to work together. This is gonna be really difficult". They nodded "we are going to get a better seat. See you later Homura-chan". "Yeah see ya!" She said as the leaves near her rustled.

Sakura ran through and smashed into her. "Hey! Kakashi was chasing me! What do we do?" She asked. "How about work as a team?" Homura asked asked. "Yeah! We can go get Sasuke! And us three can make it!" Sakura said trying to drag Homura. "What about Naruto-Kun? Do we really just leave him?" Homura asked. Sakura frowned, "well.... No. But there are only three!" She said. "So? If we work as a team we can convince him to let us all in" Homura replied. Sakura nodded and said "I'll go and get Sasuke! You can get Naruto!" Sakura said running off.

Homura ran down to the tree where Naruto was hanging by his foot. "Hey. You need some help teme~?" She asked. "DON'T CALL ME TEME!!!!!" He shouted at her. "Fine... Do you want some help Naruto-Kun?" She asked grabbing a kuni. He crossed his arms. "No!" He said pointing upwards signaling for her to disappear. She scampered up the tree as Kakashi appeared in front of him. They had a convocation about why we where here, which ended when Sasuke threw kuni and shurikans at him. Causing him to use a substitution jutsu.

5 minutes later there was a famine scream and Homura cut down Naruto. "Shut up and stay low. I'm gonna go see if Sakura is fine" she hissed pushing him into a bush. She ran through the forest and came apon a head in the ground. "Well that's something new" she giggled as the head scowled at her. "Just help me up will you!" Sasuke growled. She somehow managed to get him above ground and headed for Sakura.


"Really?" Homura muttered walking down to the posts.


"Naruto. I told ya to stay in the damn bush!" Homura said as Naruto was tied to the a post for attempting to eat the lunches that was provided. "You guys are in luck! I'm not sending anyone back!" Kakashi said smiling. Homura looked at him suspiciously. "What? Yes! We're gonna be ninja!!!" Naruto and Sakura said happily. "No. I'm dropping all four of you from the program. Your teamwork skills take up my finger nail" Kakashi said making Homura stare at him. 'This is new' she thought. "What?!?!? You can't do that!!" Naruto shouted. "Yes I can. But I will give you one more chance. After lunch you will have one more go. But Naruto is not allowed one bite of food!" Kakashi commanded disappearing.

"Hey! Teme! Open wide!" Homura said sitting next to him. "Are you crazy?" Sakura asked. "We need to work as a team. If Naruto is weak he brings down the entire team! Now teme open wide!" She responded. "DON'T CAL- mufph!" He said as Homura shoved some rice into his mouth. "Eat! It I'll make ya!" Homura growled as he ate. "Don't give him all your food. We can share too" Sasuke said as he and Sakura handed over their lunch boxes too.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!?!" a thundering voice cried as dark clouds circled over head. The three others cowered slightly as Homura stood defiantly. "Feeding a teammate" she said. "Why?" Kakashi growled. "Because the four of us are one! We work as a team!" Sakura piped up bravely. "The four of you are one?" Kakashi asked as we all nodded. "You.... Pass" He said smiling.

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