Homura stared out her window, her tears completely dried up. Kiba sat next to her, his head hung in sadness as Sakura continued her torturous reasoning.
"-so, it's not your fault.... Just an unknown element that had been introduced to the Fetus that caused it to elevate your stress levels" Sakura finished. Homura nodded glumly, rubbing her stomach, it has become a habit over the short time life was inside it.
Kiba rubbed her hand and nodded at Sakura, who turned and left.
"Are you gonna be ok to continue with your missions?" He asked. Homura nodded, flashing him a soft smile. Kiba nodded thoughtfully, "just promise me you won't accept any mission for two weeks please". Homura nodded again allowing Kiba to smile back softly.
Homura watched as Lee and Gai sent a series of kicks and punches at each other. She sighed, munching on some homemade Onigiri and watching them for careless mistakes.
It was a clear, sunny day without so much as a cloud to ruin the day. It made Homura smile happily, she sighed in content as Lee dropped into the seat next to her.
"How are you today?" He asked, taking an Onigiri and taking a large bite. "Just fine thanks Lee! How has your training been going?" Homura asked. "Excellent!! I think I am improving everyday!!" Lee exclaimed, grinning proudly. Homura smiled at him, munching on another rice-ball.
"When are you going to start with your missions again?" Lee asked. "I have one tomorrow, I couldn't refuse. Plus I've been sitting in my butt for three weeks I'm bored~" Homura whined slightly. Lee nodded thoughtfully, grabbing another rice-ball himself as Gai dropped into the seat next to him.
The three smiled and talked for a while before Homura left, saying she needed to get a good night's rest.
Kakashi held up the rear of the group while Homura and Sasuke lead the group towards their destination of the Sound Village. It was a quick scroll exchange but the entire group was still needed to complete it. The scroll had been sent several times, although it was nothing of great importance it still needed to be delivered.
Homura took a sharp left turn as she heard a scream and Sasuke stopped the group to stare at her.
"Homura, what are you doing? The Sand Village is that way" Sasuke said, pointing in the direction directly in front of him.
"I heard something. Huh? Oh Shit!!" Homura cried, hearing what was definitely the voice of Haku. She ran off towards the yelp with Sasuke and Kakashi right in her heels.
They rounded a corner and Homura nearly pounced on the nearest ninja. There where a 100 or so rouge ninja in the clearing, all clad in purple. And at the back of the group there where two blindfolded children, who Homura knew to be Haku and Tsudera.
"Hello, are you going to try and save them?" The leader asked, pushing a kunai to Tsudera's neck. Homura glared at him before pushing her hands into the Shishigan. "Do you need to ask? Just give me the kids and you can all leave with your lives" Homura replied, angry clearly evident in her voice.
"That's a funny joke..... These kids aren't going anywhere" the ninja replied, running a blade across Haku's cheek and leaving a tin cut on his cheek.
Homura's rage boiled over and she attacked, activating her Byakugan and running through the crowd of missing nin.
Kakashi looked over the battle field, shocked at his and Sasuke's discovery. Homura stood near the end of the battle field, comforting two brown-haired children. He motioned for the redhead to come over to him and he waited patiently for her to explain.
"Well it's not as though anyone could leave such cuties to fend for themselves! Plus I know their parents!" Homura defended. Kakashi nodded and squatted down to the two kids.
"What are your names?" He asked. "I'm Tsudera Hoshigaki! And he's Haku Momochi" Tsudera replied from behind Homura's leg. Kakashi's jaw dropped, he couldn't believe that Homura knew Kisame Hoshigaki and Zabuza Momochi.
"O-ok..... Well we better bring you along" Kakashi stuttered, jumping back into the trees. "Do you too need any help?" Homura asked. "No!!" They both responded happily, jumping into the trees.
Zetsu walked down a corridor of underground roots. He was slightly peeved that he had allowed himself to be lead back to the place of his creation again.
"According to Homura The Master is alive and fighting...... So that means we need to finish the job" they told themselves. They wondered silently down the corridor before hearing a conversation and sobbing.
"I don't wanna do this! It's not fair!" One voice cried in between sobs. "I know it's not fair but we can't do anything about this. If I could I would be doing just that. But that bastard controls our movements, thankfully not our speech, emotions or thoughts" a second, deeper voice replied, clearly trying to comfort the other.
Zetsu really wanted to open the door and try and get information out of the two voices, but thought better of it. 'It could be a ruse, better not risk it' they thought, moving on, leaving the whispering voices to their conversation.
He walked down the hall keeping a steady, whispered conversation with himself. He slowly crept through the dusty halls before stumbling upon a dimly lit room. Zetsu slowly pushed open the door, which was already slightly ajar, and took in the appearance of the room.
It looked like a throne room, but covered floor to roof in stains that looked too much like blood. Zetsu grimaced and turned his head, preparing to go back to the halls when something pierced his gut, making him fall to his knees.
Homura sat at the back of the room, making sure the two children where comfortable as the rest of the adults talked business.
Gaara looked over to the redhead and observed with only half his mind on the conversation. He was almost too absorbed with the way she protected them as though they where her own.
"Gaara! You're on fire!!" Tamari cried, snapping her brother from his spell. "What!?!" He cried, standing up. This action was greeted by a chorus of laughter. Gaara felt his face grow hot as he sat down again and resumed the conversation, sending a death glare to his sister.
Kisame let out a sigh of relief. The familiar hawk must be bringing good news. He held out a muscular blue arm and the hawk landed gently on it. It stuck out it's leg which held a small scroll.
Kisame pulled the scroll off and opened it. It read, in a familiar neat scrawl:
DO NOT FREAK OUT! I have found and rescued Tsudera and Haku. They are with me in the Sand Village. I will be back in The Leaf by the 10th. Meet you there?
Homura'Kisame sighed in relief and write a quick reply. Before letting the hawk go and going to find Zabuza

Naruto: Rewritten
FanfictionJust an idea that floated into my head hope you enjoy! The 4th Hokage was dead as was his wife. His son was hidden and given his mothers last name. His name was Naruto, and he had a sister. Her name was Homura and she wasn't supposed to exist but sh...