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Eunbi parked at exactly 10 am, her mood up as she feels good after listening to her whole playlist throughout her drive

She even had the idea to ditch the other 4 and just go somewhere first, but she did remember that she woke Hyewon up so she could help her with her things so

"I'll do that next time"

Eunbi said as she texted Hyewon that she's already down below, waiting for her to appear after she read her text

Eunbi rolled her windows down, the air in the basement miraculously cold as she even almost regretted doing what she did

Cleaning her stuff as she turned her engine off, Eunbi started humming a tone as she did what she was doing

Basically cleaning the evidence of her eating her food by herself.

"Twinkle twinkle little star"

She sang out of nowhere, smiling as she really sounds like a kid right now

"How I wonder how you are, up above the world so high"

She stopped from singing after her phone somehow fell from her grasp, leaning down the passenger seat to get it

Eunbi held her hair back as she desperately reached for her phone that has somehow landed further than she thought

Finally reaching the end of its strap, Eunbi heard someone sang right above her.

"Like a diamond in the sky"

Hyewon softly sang as she looked at Eunbi ever so lovingly, her hands by the open window as she leaned her head towards Eunbi

"Unnie it's what, how I wonder what, not how"

Pertaining to the song's lyrics, Eunbi involuntarily scratched her nape because of the sudden embarrassment

"Ah jinjja?"


The two laughed at each other before Eunbi leaned closer to Hyewon,

Pecking her lips before the girl opened the door behind her to grab what she hopes would last them for more than three weeks.

"You guys drank last night?"

"How did you know?"


Eunbi said as she winked at Hyewon, nudging her a little as they're about to reach the elevator

"As usual, just me and Chaeyeon"

Eunbi giggled at the fact because ever since Ahn Yujin here tried drinking any alcoholic beverage

She actually was very much disgusted with the taste saying that it tastes like isopropyl alcohol or something

They still tease her every time the others drink yet she actually is trying drinking again

She says she wants to at least feel what drinking with her unnies is before they graduate college.

"Right Chaewon arrived already, did- "

"Chaewon's there already?!"

Eunbi had a shocked expression on her face

"You didn't buy her food, didn't you?"

"She said she was going to go home after lunch though, aigo should I go back?"

Eunbi looked back to her car, doubting if she really needs to go and buy Chaewon food

But not even having the chance to think about it,Hyewon pulled her back as the elevator was about to open

"If she wants to eat, I'll just give her mine, we have your mom's food anyways"

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