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Both of them smiling as either of them have never dreamed of such a scenario happening between them as the ones doing it,

They would always see scenes like this in movies or read about it in books but to actually experience it yourself,

There was nothing you could compare it to as it was such an indescribable feeling,

Even Yuri herself who has wrote a scene quite like this before is having a true to life moment,

All of her hard works and self-learning that she did just to make that kiss scene of hers was quickly gone now that she’s experiencing one herself.

Yena’s lips were the exact opposite of how Yuri thought it would be,

Her straightforward words and the truth are the usual things that come out of it yet throughout this kiss made Yuri think,

Is this really her first time?

Yena’s lips were like the rain that would take place right in the middle of the day on June 9th as if summer just started,

The cold droplets making the environment feel colder for just a little while before the sun yet again shows up to provide unwanted warmth throughout the day,

Yena’s lips were cold at first touch yet not that they’ve been doing it for quite a while already,

Yuri’s starting to feel the passion and determination Yena has for what she started as she was never supposed to be the one who initiates things like this yet here they are,

Her palm still holding Yena’s cheek as she couldn’t push her away while the other was holding her hand ever so tightly as if Yuri would fade away slowly once they stop kissing,

Yena didn’t want to stop but she knew that they would need to or she won’t be able to breathe steadily again and Yuri would need to take a couple of deep breathes for herself too.

The sexual tension building up with their locked lips still together made Yuri know that this needs to end before something else happens,

None of them wanted this to happen in the first place anyways......... or did they really?

I think none of them planned this to happen but the timing’s so good since Yuri’s been wanting to get a re-do from her stolen first kiss,

She’s glad that it is indeed Yena’s lips that made her think that this anticipated phenomenon called ‘first kiss’ is really life changing,

And whether it is planned or not, intentional or accidental, a good kiss or a sloppy first kiss,

Everyone has to experience it within their lifetime.

Yuri being the first one letting go as her lips went away even though her hand remained still beside Yena’s cheek,

Yuri closed her eyes not wanting to look right at Yena’s,

She’s scared it may make an unwanted awkward atmosphere that she wants nothing of ruining their moment as it made Yuri think,

Maybe this is love, the love she’s been unknowingly looking for was the sudden things that could make you feel twelve different emotions in one go as you do things you haven’t done before with the person you love,

That may not be the definition of love for everyone but Yuri thinks that’s a part of how she gives ‘love’ it’s very own meaning.

Yena was clearly gasping for breaths even though there was a smile painted across her face as she enjoyed having Yuri’s hand right beside her head,

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