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Thankfully the others let Yuri go do what she wants since her quickly made plan was meant for Yena after all,

Every single one of them were still sad that she wasn't able to watch the play with them due to the fact that she needed to take more rest before she could go out without anybody getting worried about her,

Yena's been the friend that would always ask you to go out with her so it's way out of her league to miss out on the fun they're going to have later.

Hyewon almost didn't make it out too since everybody started blackmailing her on eating with her girlfriend instead of them as it was a day for all of them to have fun together after all,

Yet after all of the questions coming from Yujin and the nudges coming from Chaewon,

It took Chaeyeon one word for everyone to stop cornering her as she said that it would be fine since Eunbi unnie was also not able to be with them today because of work,

The least they could do is to let Hyewon go to her as that could at least maybe ease some of her stress if there is any lingering around her.

Hyewon had a one on one talk with Yuri as they walked beside each other after the girl asked for her keys,

And to know the reason made Hyewon quickly give her keys since her intentions were so innocent and pure that it reminded her how it was for her and Eunbi back then when they were still testing waters,

Chaeyeon even ended up teasing Yuri a little saying that she wasn't the only one who got a special message from Yena,

But hers were indeed a little more practical since it was sent to her phone unlike Yuri who was a hand written letter from her.

Yuri was contemplating whether she should open the letter given to her right now since she is curious to see what was inside,

But at the same time it made her feel like she was risking something so valuable once she opens it not knowing a single thing written inside,

Yena hasn't even texted her since the play started that's why she suddenly decided to go to her as a surprise to at least try and give her a brighter day with her by her side.

Hyewon's keys in one hand as she held her tote bag close to her body with the other,

Yuri was relieved to see that there weren't that much people in the bus considering it was indeed still lunch time for everyone,

She herself hasn't eaten anything than what they ate before the play started so she's looking forward on having a good lunch with Yena since she just chose a restaurant near their place so it would be easier for her.

She never really thought about it but their apartment was a bit similar to her and her Nayeon unnie's based on its placement and the establishments around it,

Only difference was there were a lot more food stalls around Yena's since it was near multiple commercial buildings meaning white collared workers would most definitely eat near their work.

But there was still one thing that caught her eye earlier when she was scrolling through an online map and that was the small knick knack shop a few doors down where Yena was living,

It was very much out of place and it managed to capture her attention for a split second if she didn't saw the pictures of Bossam and Galbitang that made her stomach grumble more,

She just went with it thinking that Yena wouldn't mind to eat such things considering they were both Korean's living in Seoul, also it was very budget friendly for her.

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