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“Right did you know?”

Hyewon asked as she sat right next to Yena on their sofa, all four of them squished together as the local broadcast for the drama they watch is at 9 pm

They already ate dinner, Hyewon already washed the dishes and Eunbi just got of the bathroom so she’s here pampering herself while listening to the tv

“Know what?”

Yena said as she took the lollipop she was eating out of her mouth, her eyes darting to Hyewon as the girl was helping Eunbi with holding onto something

“We’re going to move classrooms tomorrow”

“Oh really? Who says?”

“Rae told me earlier”


Having no other thoughts since it came from the president after all

She had nothing against it to be honest so the girl opted to leaning at Chaewon who was all eyes on the show

She was the one who recommended it and it clearly shows isn’t it?

The episode almost ending as the main protagonist was having a hard time escaping the house he bombarded

All four were very much attentive to their surroundings as if they were the ones the camera was following, not moving even a single inch as they stared at the guys hoping he could easily get out of the situation

Eunbi was going to lean to the sofa when their doorbell suddenly rang making the other three flinch a little

All of them looking to Eunbi as she was the oldest there and they’re semi pressuring her to open the door since no one has a sense on what or who could be behind the door.

“Nope you’re coming with me”

Eunbi quickly pulled Hyewon up from her seat, the girl right behind Eunbi as they walked to the door

Chaewon was already glued back to the tv as she was determined to not miss anything while Yena was having a hard time deciding if she should look at the two or go back to watching the tv.

Eunbi carefully twisted the door handle to see a hand with a glove on it, hoping it wouldn’t end up to anything she’s thinking of

She opened the door to see a guy holding a box as he was swiping through his phone

“Oh, wait a minute”

Eunbi felt a wave of relieve pass by her as she felt Hyewon look over her shoulder

“Kang Hyewon-ssi?”

The guy asked as he gave Eunbi the box he was holding, her getting slightly annoyed as to why did Hyewon forget she has a package to receive today

“Oh right I order-


Hyewon excitedly said as she snatched the package out of Eunbi’s hands as the girl bowed back to the guy before closing their door to see a very excited Kang Hyewon

She couldn’t be mad at her to be honest, I mean how could you be mad to someone who’s so happy with just a simple package?


The arrival of Hyewon’s tulip cup deserve a ceremony so the girls are now drinking their own choice of drinks as they huddled here at the dining table

Yena was doing something on her computer while Chaewon was putting something together

Eunbi was talking with her mom and Hyewon was just there still in awe with the cup she is using

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