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“It’s you again”

Yena said as she finally caught up to Yuri who was frozen still by the mechanical engineering’s back door,

Yena was actually surprised to see Yuri was the one that caught her money.

She only planned on buying a drink cause ever since she answered all of her prof’s questions correctly,

Yena suddenly had hiccups come out of nowhere.

It wasn’t the loud kind, it was really just bothering her, good thing she answered him so he let her go out,

But to see Yuri right here in front of her, Yena would always want to get hiccups if that means she and Yuri will meet.


The girl asked as she clenched her fists making Yena’s money crumple making a very subtle sound come out

“Hehe, ani, I said thank you”

“Oh, no problem”

“Can I have that back now or do you want a reward on catching it or something?”

Yena asked as she placed her hand out in front of Yuri, opening it as she was indeed still holding tightly on her precious money,

Surprisingly her hiccups suddenly disappeared that’s why she’s very confidently talking to Yuri.

“Oh right, sorry”

Yuri said as she uncrumpled what she was holding, thankfully Yena here isn’t mad or something, she’s even smiling right at her

“It’s fine, I think we should get going now”

Yena said as she finally got her money back, smiling as Yuri looked so shy and embarrassed even when she was uncrrumpling it

“Nae S-sunb-“

“Oh don’t call me sunbaenim, Yena, okay? Yena unnie”

Yena immediately threw away the thought of someone a year younger than her calling her that formally,

Even when she and Yujin or Wonyoung met, no one really called her sunbaenim so it’s very new to her

“Ok…. Yena unnie”

Seeing Yuri get shy as she bowed to her, Yena felt this feeling in her, she wanted to stop her,

She wanted to ask her things, she wanted her to be right in front of her, she knew she wanted to ask her if she was the girl she heard back then,

And she knows she needed to do something to make that happen.

Yuri who was about to walk again after sliding her way out of Yena’s view was surprised when someone grabbed her wrist,

And knowing there was only Yena there with her, Yuri doesn’t know whether she should feel fluttered or something.

“Do you have anything to do later?”

She suddenly asked that made Yuri confused,


“Do you have something to do after dismissal?”

“I don’t think so, why?”

Yuri asked as she felt Yena let go of her wrist, they both got surprised by what she did so she was avoiding her eyes too

“Do you drink coffee?”


“Then do you mind going to the coffee shop with me? The one right beside our school?”

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