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Class dismissal, Thursday really gets you ready for the weekend more than Friday does,

Everyone feels the weekends coming and are already planning everything they can do and but not their assignments,

Classic student move, procrastinate everything the night before and chill out the whole afternoon.

Everyone feeling high as they walked out their rooms with smiles in their faces, their bags hanging on to them as the sound of people talking took over the whole campus,

Yuri was the only one feeling out of the blue, even though Minju and the others were right beside her, the usual routine she’s used to wasn’t fulfilled by someone,

Someone so crucial to her daily life hasn’t even made her appearance today and Yuri’s not happy about it.

She was looking for Hyewon or Chaewon earlier at lunch too but she only saw Yujin, Wonyoung and Chaeyeon which had no clue as to why Yena wasn’t at school today,

Chaeyeon guessed she had something to do while the other two said that she might be at their house,

But the reason to not come to school still isn’t getting answered by anything, it was too out of the normal, it was too sudden, it was too out of the blue.

They were just talking last night and she even sent her a picture of the night sky from what she said was right in front of their yard,

She believes what the others said but she’s still looking for the full and final answer as to why Choi Yena didn’t show up today.

Yuri’s alone by the bus today, standing in the middle of the aisle as she tightly held onto the bar right on top of her,

Almost not having the ability to reach it as the bus is very much full with other passengers on their way home,

Why is she alone you ask?

Well, all four, I mean five of them ate at a nearby well known street food vendor at their school,

The hunger of Chaewon and Minju made the wander around Seoul to find somewhere else to eat as they wanted to fulfill their stomach’s desires,

Meanwhile Hitomi and Nako, they went to their secret hideout which no one really knows where,

The two even invited Yuri for the first time to come with them but the girl immediately rejected the offer,

She said she wanted to go home and do somethings so they respected her answer and rode another bus going the other way of where Yuri needs to be,

She plans on dropping by the stationary store she would always go to for her stationary needs as she does need a new notepad since her old one is near it’s end,

Also she can never really not get happy over stationary, maybe it can even distract her for a little,

Maybe it can push Yena out of her thoughts for a while as the guy she caught looking at her did the same thing as of now,

Placing her bag over her chest as she leaned on the seat behind her with two girls in it,

Yuri’s now very aware of her surroundings as she will not let anyone get near her with intentions other than passing by.


“Look who’s here, the main characters have arrived”

The staff joked as Hitomi and Nako went pass their doors, they’re already usuals here so they’re well known by the staff and even their boss,

A café surrounded by pc bangs and karaoke bars may sound like it would be very chaotic and noisy,

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