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Seeing the sun slowly rise up from the massive glass windows of the airport,
Yena couldn't help but to put on a grumpy face as she covers her face with her hand in front of her

She's tired and irritated because of waiting for so long and she couldn't even sleep quietly here in the airport

It seems like every person who has a flight today is bringing their kids with them.

Ignoring the fact that she's hating on the sun for the first time, she felt the person next to her move

The way she was sitting made her look like a fetus, her knees by her chest as she was laying her head on Yena's shoulder

The jacket she had over her body slowly sliding down as her white colored blouse isn't the most suitable thing to wear at an airport

Yena couldn't help but to smile at her, her chubby cheeks, her thin lips, her small nose, the length of her eyelashes

Her eyebrows pointing to each other as she seems like she's still mad at something even though she's full on passed out

And of course, her eyes.

Her eyes that could literally push you through your limits once she starts teasing you just because she wants to,

Yuri does look like an obedient all straight A's kid, but once she starts seeing you more often

You'll get to know her bratty side and everything else she has with her.

Yena fixed herself as she sat closer to Yuri so she could feel more comfortable

Their flight has been delayed for 2 hours due to the plane they were supposed to ride needed a few things fixed so it could go back to the sky

The two of them have been here since 4 am since their flight was supposed to take off at 5

And now that they need to wait 2 more hours made Yena think that it could've been better if they were late than early, just a maybe

Fixing the jacket over Yuri as she kept ranting about the said flight, fishing out a couple of strands of hair across Yuri's face

Yena was surprised when her face turned all soft and unlike the tensed up eyebrows she had earlier

Her eyes looked more relaxed as her eyebrows drooped down by themselves

The corner of her lips going up as her cheeks showed a little tint of red, it seems like Ms. Jo Yuri here has been awake thoughout Yena's ranting session.


"Are you awake right now?"


Fixing herself to Yena, the girl snuggled closer to her as she slid her hand towards Yena's, the girl involuntarily reacting to it as she intertwined her hand with hers

"Is the sun making it hard for you to sleep? You wanna move seats?"

Yena asked as she still can't even fully open her eyes, Yuri nodding a no in respond, looked up to Yena as she had a very serious look in her face

"You can't sleep, am I right?"

"Yep, I woke up early so you wouldn't get mad because we could be late yet look at us, were still here in the airport"

Giggling at her frustration, Yuri placed their hands by her face, pecking Yena's as she can't help but to feel happy every time she gets irritated, she just looks so cute with her lips forming into a pout.

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