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First day, 4th semester, finals in 3 months, Yuri’s sure she would be able to go with the flow as time passes by, but Yena here, I think she may already be late for today guys what do we do?


Hearing Eunbi’s voice pierce through her dreams, Yena slowly opened her eyes to see her entering her room, opening her curtains as she will never stand up if they remain closed

“You have school remember?”

“I know~”

Looking at her phone, her eyes half opened, Yena saw the time, she still had an hour and a half left so she could still sleep for 30 minutes

“Sure sure, there’s food at the table, eat before you leave okay?”

Nodding her head up and down, she saw Eunbi walk out of her room to go to Chaewon’s room since she knows that Hyewon’s probably awake by now, or not, who knows

“Kim Chaewon!”


Guys, my guess was right, Yena’s late on her first day, all three of them actually

Chaewon here took ages looking for a certain necklace that’s why she’s moving late

Hyewon here got glued onto her phone leaving her 45 minutes to eat, bathe and dress up

And yes Yena slept again when Eunbi left, she just woke up and is already in the middle of wearing her clothes.

Eunbi sat on their sofa as all three were in a chaos of their own, Chaewon’s looking for her shoes, Hyewon’s going back and forth from the bathroom and their room and Yena is putting socks on while standing up


Eunbi said as she can’t help but to giggle seeing them like this, back then when she was this close to getting late, she would just bring her clothes with her and run to school


Yena asked as she saw Eunbi fighting her urge to laugh as she had one of her hands in front of her mouth,

“N-nothing, I said you could sit down”

“Eyy I might lay back down again”

“Eunbi unnie!”

Hearing Hyewon shout, the two looked at her direction to see the girl frantically searching for something in their room


“You saw my ring?”

Hyewon peeked through the doorframe as she saw the most beautiful view, she could have this early in the morning

“The gray drawer by my laptop, 3rd from the bottom”


“Let’s go!”

Chaewon shouted as she finally wore her shoes and is waiting for the other two by the door

She’s on driving duty every day since the two knew she had a car, she wouldn’t actually mind it since it feels good to be with them,

She just never lets Yena drive, afraid she might scratch her most precious car



Yuri and Nako are now walking across Seoul holding a paper bag each as they bought breakfast for today

It’s quite of a tradition that they’ll eat breakfast every Monday together at school

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