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Well now, that’s how those two ended up being lovestruck for each other,

After all of the consequences they have to face together and uncertainty not wanting to take their side throughout their lifetime,

Yuri’s actually more ready to face anything now that someone as free-spirited and optimistic representing the complete opposite of how she’s been living,

Is bound to show up everywhere and anywhere in her life because of one very strong and sturdy connection called love has their hands tied together by a string,

Yuri never knew she’ll be happy feeling secured onto something that could mean that she won’t be able to do the things she wanted back then since starting today,

She’ll start doing it with her right beside her.

Fate is indeed like a small diner in the center of life housing every other aspect that makes our lives either peaceful or unfair and stuff like that,

Fate randomly gives everyone something to handle over and over until their plate gets emptied and tossed to the dishwashing to use again,

Fate was a large food chain with waiters giving us humans random things we have to face and conquer to move on to another dish and with us humans clearly living off eating and breathing,

Fate is a huge thing for us to learn throughout our lives with making decisions and planning out our paths as we slowly realize what ‘life’ really means for us.

Whether it’s to follow your dreams or to simply just give your family their daily needs and wants,

Everyone has a different opinion meaning everyone has their own meanings in everything the mind can focus on,

Life, fate, truth, reality, justice, anything you could possibly think of,

Every human is just as deep as those words among the dictionary as if we’re just words being used by others over and over again just to communicate with others,

That’s what life circles around of, communication and understanding because just like how Yuri sees Yena,

Everyone has their own depth depending on how much they’ve been through and how you’ll provide them something they need in their life,

Whether it’s pleasure, needs, basic human interaction, anyone can be intrigued by anyone even just for a split second.

Life screaming out to us that for something to take action like how we wish it to be,

We need to do something in advance to get it started and moving in hopefully like how we wanted it to because like how uncertainty is,

Nothing could ever remain the same if you don’t act against it and with uncertainty right behind you doing its thing,

It’s really hard not to keep an eye on things for excessive amounts of time just because you think that maybe if you catch that sliver of curse uncertainty brings you,

You could finally stop it and be relaxed throughout the rest of your life yet the catch is,

You could never really know what’s true or false.

Actually acting upon it could even result with you destroying the very own thing you’ve been treasuring and yourself being the thing that broke what you’ve been always protecting.

Life really is a game of luck and fate that’s why Yena just goes with the flow of what’s going to happen and act accordingly because she knows that no matter how hard you try,

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