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Yuri already said goodbye to her sunbaes after Chaeyeon herself said she could go now,

Grabbing her bag as she quickly passed by the rest of her sunbaes and classmates by the back who got stuck there since they didn’t know there were so many things to fix.

Yuri was untangling her earphones as she walked to the door without looking where she was going, her phone opened as it was in a music app waiting to play some tunes,

Yuri untangled her earphones as she got near the door, plugging it in her phone before stuffing the other ends to each ear,

Yuri opened the door not knowing someone who’s she’s trying to get out of her mind was right there,

She had to be right there.

Yuri was surprised when she saw someone’s back going towards her direction,

The person free falling even though their eyes were glued to her as she watched them fall slowly into the ground,

Doing nothing as she knows she wouldn’t be able to stop them anyways,

Yuri just stood there looking like a tree as it was watching a bird do a peaceful landing,

In this situation it was very much not peaceful.

Hearing a thump as the girl in front of her landed on her butt, Yuri didn’t know whether to help her or not,

I mean she looks like she already handled falling by herself so she must’ve known how to stand up by herself too am I right?

Hearing hissing sounds as the girl started rubbing near her hip, Yuri knew she couldn’t handle just watching her there so she kneeled on one leg as she tried to ask her if she was okay,

It was someway both their fault anyway.

“Are you okay? I’m sorry I didn’t know you were…..”

Looking right to her eyes, Yuri was surprised that the girl laying right in front of her was nonetheless Yena,

The very Yena that’s been bothering her since she appeared.

“Out of all the people, why you?”

Yuri asked herself as she snapped back to reality, Yena was waving her hand right in front of her face as she also saw her froze by herself

“Yah yah?! I’m okay, are you?”

Yena’s voice slowly got heard by Yuri who was still looking right to her eyes,

Yena didn’t know but even the pain she was feeling earlier already went away as she herself got worried for Yuri,

She just froze there right in front of her, and if she is having a seizure or something, it may even get pointed at her.

“Yah Yuri! Are you okay?”

Seeing the girl physically and mentally snap back to reality, Yena took a sigh of relief as she saw her blink again after some time,

Seeing her expression change in a blink of an eye, Yena didn’t know whether it was a good sign or not, but they’re both still by the floor so.

“Do you mind helping me get up?”

Yena asked as she took one of her hands away from the trash can she was holding, giving it to Yuri as she was the one who had one knee to stabilize herself,

The girl taking her hand as she slightly had to struggle to get her up, Yena let go of the trash can in the end so she could push herself too.

Picking it back up before facing to Yuri, Yena was faced with a view looking so unique in its own way since Yuri was standing in front of the door’s window

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