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Hitomi and Yuri left earlier than the others since they said they didn’t want to bother them anymore even though they were really not bothering them in the first place,

Yena and Chaeyeon walked with them back to the bus station to make sure they were safe,

And as Yena and Chaeyeon were walking back, Yena couldn’t help but to spill her thoughts with the other.



“A month is long enough already, right?”

Yena asked that made no such sense in Chaeyeon’s mind as she quickly snapped her head to look at Yena


“I said is a month long already?”

“Long for what? Did you order something?”

Chaeyeon asked ever so innocently as Yena was in the verge of believing her and not,

Look you could never really read Chaeyeon whenever things like this happen since she’s the kind of person that’s either full on helping you or messing with you.

“I didn’t, I just want to know”

Yena asked as she kicked a pebble, her foot feeling a slight pain caused by the impact but she knew she could handle it since she did decide to kick the motionless rock

“If you’re talking about Yuri then yes, it’s been a month already since you two got to know each other and can you thank the person that made that happen?”

Chaeyeon said with a teasing smile in her face, slowly looking to Yena who had a serious face it made Chaeyeon laugh immediately

“Thank you.”


Yena knew it, she was either full on helping her or is messing with her, they really know each other by now.

“Let’s talk some other time okay? We still need to clean”

Chaeyeon said as she just subtle down with her laughs a couple of steps away from the shop,

Yena knew Chaeyeon wouldn’t break her words so she just wished they could make that ‘other time’ happen already.

She can’t handle it by herself anymore, she wants to spill her thoughts and she knows that her friends would be very willing to do so

“Yena can you help me with these?”

Hyewon shouted as she watched her get in the door, having no other choice but to do so, Yena rolled her sleeves up as she jogged her way to Hyewon

“Yuri left already?”

“Yup she said she was needed at home so”



Chaewon and Yena are now in the younger’s car as Hyewon and Eunbi insisted on staying in the shop longer just so they could be there since it is its first day,

Eunbi kept insisting that Hyewon could go home too yet the girl was so hard headed that Eunbi had no choice in the end as she let her sit by the cashier as she knows she will just play with her phone there,

Sakura and Chaeyeon on the other hand actually went to their warehouse because somehow, magically,

The rows and rows of clothes that filled their shop earlier slowly faded away as Sakura and Eunbi were both surprised with the income their already getting,

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