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"Welcome home?"

"Oh this, they didn't have any other good ones but I wanted to bring you one so I bought this instead"

Yuri said as she looked up on the balloon beside her head as she herself still cringes on how embarrassed she was when she was buying it,

Especially when she was watching it fill up with air even though the other people there looked like they weren't really paying any attention to her,

She's not even sure why she wanted to buy a balloon when she's just going to surprise Yena and it had no such need for a balloon to be brought with her.

"Why welcome home?"

Yena asked as she sat down on a neater note as she looked at how Yuri was flustered on her own just because of her question,

She was just curious why that was the one she picked and the look on her face seems to already tell her why Yuri picked it.

"The other ones they had were 'Goodluck' 'Wedding Wishes' and 'It's a boy okay'?"

"Oh, I think I know now"

Yena blurted out as if Yuri wasn't starting to feel like her usual bratty attitude when someone asking her too many things,

And Yena's exactly like that every time she has the chance to continue asking her before she herself stops Yena before she gets to her limit.

"Know what?"

She asked with a stubborn tone mixed with her words as she took a glance to Yena to see her all smiley and bright all by herself on the ground,

The girl had her legs crossed over as her cropped shirt was clearly short enough that when she raises her hands, her shirt would raise up too.

"Why 'Welcome Home' was the one you picked"

"Because it was less embarrassing?"

Yuri said before chuckling on her own as she can't seem to forget the inexistent embarrassment she was facing earlier in the store,

Yena grinned even more wider as she heard her chuckle that made her giggle by herself too,

Yuri may not be thinking of the same thing but she is so she hopes she'll get what she means.

"No, because I think my home just arrived right now"

Yena sweetly said as she stood up before walking to the couch to sit more comfortably and have a better view of Yuri's back,

It continuously makes her heart flutter even though it was just her back as it was enough to make her know that Yuri was indeed here with her and even though she has her back faced to her,

She was as good as usual as her antics weren't like Yena's that was showy or affectionate and endearing,

Hers was all about subtly making sure that the person you love was receiving everything they need and is happy that you are with them,

And Yena can't help but to melt for her more every day that passes by.

"Well, you read my mind"

Yuri said as she let go of the plastic bag she was holding,

The food she bought all laid out on the kitchen counter as she looked over to her wrist before pulling the string to let the balloon loose as it wouldn't go anywhere anyway,

Yena's words and her way of thinking really is suitable for someone like Yuri who isn't straightforward with making her actions known to others,

She prefers those who think like her or even more precise and deep than hers,

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