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"Maybe we're perfect strangers
Maybe it's not forever
Maybe the night will change us
Maybe we'll stay together
Maybe we'll walk away
Maybe we'll realize
We're only human

Maybe we don't need no reason why."

The lyrics of the song complimented Yuri’s thoughts as she herself is surprised onto why is Yena standing in front of their apartment,

Soaking wet as the only way she could get here in this hour is by riding her scooter,

Yuri was indeed happy that she yet again popped up from nowhere and like what the song’s lyrics are pertaining with its words,

Yena maybe her perfect stranger as none of them knows how long they’ll be connected like this,

No one knows how a single wrong move can change their own impressions of each other,

How long they’ll know each other or how long it will take until one of them leaves the other for their own sake,

Yuri knows how risky it is letting other people in her life, she has faced tons of these already and she’s slowly getting dense toward the topic,

Yet here’s Yena, proving that every single person she met is just a simple human,

A human with strong desires and dreams as they live for years and years before they die,

Maybe that’s what’s Yuri’s been scared for, dying without finding her own strong suit or drastic dreams yet as the song said,

“Maybe we don’t need no reason why”

And for now, her only reason why she’s going to let Yena in is because she wants to spend the day with her,

She wants to close the door behind her once she enters their place so she could spend some time with her today knowing that there’s a 50% chance that there’s going to be classes again tomorrow,

She wants Yena for herself today and she’ll take a big step forward just to make sure that she’ll stay with her here in her house, in her comfort space, in her own home.


“Why are you here?”

Yuri asked as her face produced a small smile even though the tone of her voice really sounded like she was irritated or annoyed by Yena’s sudden appearance.

“I wanted to bring you some donuts?”

“Unnie it’s raining so hard outside”

Looking to the huge glass wall they have by the end of the hall,

Yuri saw how the rain really isn’t changing and the fact that Yena went here with a simple raincoat over her body just to bring her donuts was the most absurd and sweet thing anyone has done for her,

She is a little angry that seeing how Yena’s hair was drench in water and her face was already sweating a little,

She could end up catching a cold right now yet she had her hand up by Yuri giving her the box of donuts she bought for her.

“I know but I still wanted to bring you some donuts”

“Aish come in already its cold out there”

Pulling Yena in as she knows she’ll feel guilty if she gets sick because of her,

She might as well let her stay here for a while because she has no plans on letting Yena go back out in the rain,

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