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Let’s take a little re-route first since I miss having the other couples under the spotlight and we’ll be starting with 2kimz here.

Chaewon was the one driving with 3 other people inside her car as she and Minju were the ones sitting upfront while their two youngest Yujin and Wonyoung were right behind them,

The elder two could hear constant laughs and chuckles coming from the two even though they were just looking outside and would sometimes take a glance to their phone.

Chaewon really adores these two too much for her to look like she was an unnie to either one of them,

They were really the spoiled youngest ones within the group and it shows that both of them weren’t really asking for it since Wonyoung was independent enough for her to care more to Yujin even though she was a year younger than her.

Chaewon was just minding her own business taking a couple of glances to the two behind her and the one beside her of course since from what Chaewon was seeing from where she was,

Minju looked too good to be true in a simple pair of high-waisted jeans and a tucked in shirt covered by a simple pink cardigan that was still buttoned up since Minju felt a little chilly when they were in the auditorium earlier,

The simple gold plated necklace Chaewon gave her on their anniversary was enough to make her know that it is an important piece for her,

How Chaewon said it when she helped her wear it last Saturday while she was still shocked on such a small gift,

It symbolizes how much she treasures Minju and their relationship.

Getting caught looking like a love-struck fool with an idiotic smile right across her face,

Minju couldn’t help but to laugh at Chaewon since she looked so flustered and lost at once,

Their eyes met as soon as she looked at her, the girl acting like she was indeed doing nothing even though her face itself says it all already,

Chaewon couldn’t help but to smile wider after hearing Minju’s comforting laugh coming from her as she covered her mouth leaving her eyes smiling by its own.

“What are you doing?”

Minju asked in between laughs that made Chaewon feel more guilty since she can’t even say a shallow lie to her after seeing her pure and innocent smile like that,

She looked like she was having such a fun time even though it was just a short and unwanted moment they had in between them,

And it makes Chaewon yet again fall for her even more.

“Nothing I was just looking at the side mirrors”

“Sure I’ll believe that”

Sliding her hand into Minju’s as she yet again smiled because of Chaewon’s see through lie,

Chaewon was happy enough to see her smiling because of her as she enjoyed holding her hand even though it was a bit cold to touch even though they’ve been out in the open waiting for Chaeyeon earlier,

It was a perk Minju has and she’ll never get tired of holding her cold hands when she needs to warm up.

She remembered something that Minju said to her unconsciously the last time they were left alone in the car,

And that was at least a week before Christmas and it still lingers around Chaewon’s mind until now even though it wasn’t a huge thing for Minju,

She said she was just kidding but like how Chaewon is, she really can’t lie that well to others especially those close to her.

“I care about you a quite lot more than you think, I think I’ll always care about you more than myself.”

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