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"My batchmates keep posting old pictures of us"

Hyewon annoyingly said as she slumped down near Chaeyeon, her head perfectly hitting the pillow on the sofa as the other two are now washing the dishes

They yet again got defeated in rock paper scissors so they couldn't do anything more about it, they never really learn


Chaeyeon said as she finished stretching her back out, hearing a couple of knuckles crack, no one was really bothered about it

"I don't know why but every single one has my face in some way"

"Lemme see"

Hyewon was about to hand her phone when they saw Yujin slide in front of them, a bottle of beer in her hand as she had an excited look in her face

"You guys want one?"

"You drink beer now?!"

Hyewon asked as her eyes were almost bulging out of surprise, Chaeyeon on the other hand already pulled the beer away from her

"Nope I just wanted to watch you guys, now do I open some or what?"

The two looked at each other, Chaeyeon raising both of her eyebrows as Hyewon did the same thing

"Open two, we'll have one each"

Chaeyeon handed the bottle as Hyewon finished their sentence

"Just one."

"Arasseo, you unnie, you want one?"

Yujin asked Yena as she quickly slid to the kitchen to get a subtle no from her

"I already ate my medicine, that wouldn't turn out good for me"


Hearing the caps pop off, Yena had no choice but to look at the bottles of beer in Yujin's hand as she went back to the two

She was still removing the suds from the remaining plates so she has to get this done first before going to them

"I want to drink though, maybe coke would do"


The four went in Yena's room right after she finished washing the dishes,

Hyewon was done with her beer as Chaeyeon still had hers so she has something to be cautious of as she doesn't want Yena getting angry with her sheets smelling like beer,

The four had their own worlds knowing they were with each other, they didn't mind that all four of them weren't talking,

It was actually comforting knowing no one's trying to get to a higher level or what,

Yena was just staring at the ceiling, her eyes slightly closing by themselves as she heard a couple of giggles and gasp from the other three

Feeling it catching up to her, Yena was thankful that Yujin suddenly spoke as she wanted to open a topic too.

"Hyewon unnie"


"Wonyoung's asking me if you want one or not"

Giving her phone to Hyewon, the girl saw a picture of a shelf full of stuffed toys, the ones she, Wonyoung and Chaewon have been looking for

"Omo! Where did she find these?"

Hyewon suddenly sat upright making Yena's head get thrown up from her lap

"She said she found them on a mall near Daejun?"

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