101 7 1

After an hour and a half of pure chaos happening right in front of them, it took two people to quiet everyone down with their decision’s,

Lin, the president of Yuri’s class and Paula, the class leader of the theater course, decided that everyone should at least take a 35 minute break as 1 pm is coming already,

Once they’re all here, they’ll run the play for at least 3 more times as they did check with their costumes earlier and everyone had the right clothes they needed,

The ones that want to take it home is free to ask for it later and it will always be okay to leave it here at school as it has been here for at least two days now anyways,

Once the 3 runs end okay and nothing malfunctions or nobody suddenly not being able to do their thing,

They’ll be able to go home at what they estimated was around 3 or 4 pm.

Hitomi and Yujin are planning to leave once they eat since they don’t want to face any of this hardships anymore as they suddenly wanted to feel their free time after yet again facing things connected to school.

They were just waiting for Chaeyeon and Yujin who brought some props back to the back to make sure they wouldn’t break or anything as making a new one would at least push the final play at least a day back,

Hitomi and Nako were talking to each other about a museum or something based on what Yuri’s hearing as people kept passing by them to go to the canteen,

She herself was just zoning out since she’s still a bit tired knowing she slept late last night as Minji texted her right when she was about to close her eyes,

It was about the book and how they need to meet later in the afternoon to sign some things to finalize it

And how Yuri solemnly swears that ten copies of it would be enough and the illustrator that volunteered to help her would have his name on the book’s cover too,

Things like that,

Yuri doesn’t really know, she’ll just meet the illustrator later too so she needs to thank him as much as possible.

Chaeyeon, Yuri, Yujin, Hitomi and Nako were now all walking side by side as the width of the hallways were big enough for all 5 of them to walk in a single line,

Since there were no other people there wasn’t anything to think about like someone coming from the opposite direction,

Getting squished into the wall, getting scolded by the student council or something else that could make them feel guilty of,

It was a simple win all 5 of them got in exchange of their first Saturday without thinking about school works.

Yuri’s not really sure why they didn’t go to the canteen and instead they are going to the mini gazebo’s and chairs and tables scattered along the east side of their campus,

There were tons of trees covering them area so it wasn’t really that hot considering it was 12 pm in the afternoon,

Yuri was walking with Hitomi and Chaeyeon at either sides of her, Nako and Yujin in front of them as it still surprises her how these two got close knowing they just met a couple of weeks ago,

Yujin and Chaeyeon had bright smiles in their faces when they went out of the auditorium so that was a little bit suspicious knowing they were all tired before,

Maybe they ordered food that’s why they’re this happy to go out?

They turned the last corner to finally see the area they’ve been heading for,

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