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Starting their morning very early with all 5 of them dozily making their way to Suyeon’s very important 4-wheeled off-road Jeep her dad gifted her when she moved here,

All 5 of them having exact spaces designated for the whole day to avoid random fights or awkwardness across their road trip,

Yena even tried to volunteer and just lay down at the big trunk right behind the seats but once she saw how messy it was,

She just opted with seating between Yuna and Yuri to make sure that they won’t have any awkwardness between them and just a sleeping Yena until they arrive at their destination.

Not eating anything to make their stomachs full for breakfast as no one besides Suyeon and Yuri were wide awake and aware of their surroundings,

The two got to talk over their tumblers full of water for Yuri and a tumbler full of coffee for Suyeon once they started heading out and about that even got Yuri some new information about Yena,

How she was when she was a kid and even a picture saved on Suyeon’s phone that her dad sent to her when they were both still young,

The two of them looked like they were the dynamic duo within reunions and there was even a glimpse of Yuna’s face on the same picture,

Suyeon said that she wasn’t really the type to take pictures even until now.

Yuri kind of gets her point why she doesn’t want to be with pictures but to be honest,

Everyone she’s with right now in this car is actually very good looking and that counts her face itself as she knows that Yena’s very lucky to have someone like her,

Oh how they influence each other’s actions, they are really love birds once they are together,

And Yena’s shamelessness is already affecting how Yuri acts and thinks when they’re together.

An overview park located at the top and at the side of Mt. Kalatungan which was very much not the easiest trek up a mountain,

Was actually very worth it once you reach the top just to see how beautiful the scenery was surrounding them,

Everyone was actually worried for Yena once they arrived at the bottom of the mountain but nonetheless,

She didn’t want them renting something for her to ride on then leaving them fighting for their own path up the very challenging environment.

The tree path they took wasn’t that inclined too so that was a huge relief for Yena and especially Yuri who never walked farther than Yena’s side just so she could make sure that she was still okay and breathing

Thankfully there was a device they could ride later when they go back down and yes,

It wasn’t the safest way to go down but it was the practical way knowing it didn’t required any payments of some sort so,

Yuri went with her motto for this trip and that was the very known and classic early 20s saying,

“You only live once” 

Passing by Mt. Capistrano on the way to where they’ll be eating for today,

Yuri was very amazed on how to mountain itself looked like it wasn’t natural and once she searched it up on the internet,

The pictures she saw was very much more breath-taking to see the top of the said mountain,

And how there was a certain area up top that looks very daring and dangerous to take a picture at seeing that there was very little surface area and stuff,

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