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The afternoon starting with Yuri getting teased as she looked so pretty everyone felt like they were dressed for the wrong occasion,

She really stood out from the others since the dress Hitomi was wearing wasn’t even in the same level as hers,

Although getting teased because she and Yena both had lollipops in their mouths, the attention towards her eventually disappeared as Yuri saw the two other unfamiliar people right in front of her,

She guesses that the long black-hair one must by Hyewon’s girlfriend and the other is Chaeyeon’s based on where they were hanging out,

And to see Nako, Hitomi and Minju talking to the other girl, she herself got curious as to when did these three get this brave when meeting new people.

Excusing herself from Yena as she went over to Yujin and Eunbi, Yuri continued going to the mysterious girl in hopes of knowing her name and who she is.

“Right Yuri-yah, you remember Sakura unnie?”

Minju said as she looked behind Sakura to see Yuri moving ever so slowly to get close to them

“Sakura unnie?”

She innocently asked as she looked to their eyes in hopes of getting or remembering some kind of hint with the name ‘Sakura’

Feeling the said girl look over her, it took Yuri just one look to remember where she met her.

“You don’t remember me anymore?”

“Kura unnie?”

“Yup, Miyawaki Sakura at my natural habitat, now your make-up skills did get better”

A bright smile in her face as she looked directly at Yuri’s eyes, the compliment got her all shy since this is still their second time meeting.

They met a couple of months back, a few days after the semester started actually,

Minju kept bugging Yuri to go out with her since her birthday was near after all, having nothing to do the two went to a pop-up make-up class near Seoul and that’s where they met Sakura in the same crowd as them,

They were seated near each other so the three became close due to helping each other on certain steps,

Now Yuri wasn’t really expecting in meeting her again but like how she met Yena, it makes her very curious how people keeps ending up near her without any warning at all.

The movie starting as soon as the freshly popped popcorn was done,

They all had their own preference between freshly popped and already popped popcorn so good thing Hyewon bought both to immediately stop a quarrel from happening.

All of them gathered around the 75 inch tv with everyone managing to find their own perfect spot,

We had people sitting in the sofa, some laying down the air mattress, some sat on the shorter couch and two specific people sat on the one person bean bag because the other had nowhere to go,

Those two were Chaewon and Yujin so they surprisingly managed to last halfway to the movie before Yujin just laid next to Wonyoung on the floor,

Hitomi and Nako were notably seen sitting in the most proper way during the start of the movie as Chaeyeon sat with them on the short couch but 30 minutes in the movie,

The two gradually changed their posture as Nako found herself leaning to Hitomi’s body as she was leaning onto Chaeyeon,

Now that made Sakura very happy as she too was surprised to know that her girlfriend was friends with these two,

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