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You might be wondering if these two are close now, and of course, how close they are, well….. we’re there and not there at the same time,

It’s quite weird but Yena and Yuri didn’t click the first time they went out alone by themselves but both of them kept looking for each other’s presence after they separated that night.

Yuri took the bus home and Yena went the opposite way since her parents asked her to come home to have their weekly family dinner that exact night,

The time at the café wasn’t weird or anything, it was actually more of Yena trying to open topics and Yuri trying to go with the flow but the two never really got to talk that long,

They opted to watch what was playing in the café’s television which both of them got a hang off,

It was a drama Yena’s mom is addicted to so she knew what was going on meanwhile Yuri here got reeled in because of how beautiful the set was and how the director and script writer knew how to use surroundings and props through half an episode itself

The two watched the episode sitting right beside each other as Yuri continuously kept taking sips of her iced coffee

While Yena was playing with the crumbs on her plate since she’s more of a listener than a watcher when it comes to things she’s not really a fan of.

Yena really wanted to talk with Yuri that moment so the girl was starting to get jealous of the drama itself because it captured Yuri’s attention that easily,

Thinking of a way of how she could get her back, Yena being the bluffer she is immediately thought of something that she feels would really get her attention back to her,

She just hopes that Yuri doesn’t get too deep into it or she herself will be doomed in the end.

“You know my cousin’s one of the scriptwriters of that series”

Yena smugly said as she crossed her arms right as she finished her words, looking to Yuri,

She saw the girl quickly look at her, catching a glimpse of her face, the girl indeed looked like she was getting hooked to her sudden act

“Really? That’s cool”

Yuri said with a hint of excitement in her voice, it didn’t really work on her but deep inside Yuri was very amazed

Such little things like this makes her obnoxiously surprised but since Yena’s a new person trying to get in her life

She doesn’t want to show that side of her this easily.

Yena knew Yuri didn’t react like how she thought of it, still went with her plan as she took a bite of her cake before continuing her words,

She’s waiting for the right time so she could perfectly pull this off.

Finally reaching the ending credits as Yuri finished her drink too, she was about to ask Yena if they could go now since she wants to go home already before the sun sinks down,

Looking at Yena, she saw her getting ready as if she was about to do something she’s been planning all along,

Not wanting to interrupt her, Yuri quietly backed down hoping she would already do what she wants

“See that’s my cousin’s name, Choi Seungyeon”

Yena proudly said as she pointed on the tv seeing the name pass by very quickly,

Seeing Yuri without any emotion in her face, she hopes the ending of this could still catch her off guard


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