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Yena’s now getting ready to go out since Yuri did ask her earlier if she’s free to meet up this afternoon,

The girl never really mentioned what they’re going to do so Yena’s basically going with the flow,

The flow of Yuri’s thoughts and actions as she never really saw anything bad happen when Yuri’s just being her own,

It could get near something very dangerous but she can very much sense bad things that may happen.



Yena shouted back as base on the voice she heard, she’s pretty sure it was Hyewon who called her, because Chaewon’s still at Minju’s,

She’s fixing the collar of the jean jacket she was wearing, a simple white shirt under it as blue and white could never go wrong,

Yena even planned on wearing a skirt but since she doesn’t want to look like she’s showing off to Yuri, the girl opted with wearing a simple black fitted pants with her usual high cut shoes

“You’re going out with Yuri right?”

Hyewon asked as she had her eyes stuck to her phone, her fingers busy typing something as she was biting her lower lip

“Yup, why?”

Yena asked as she’s near on getting triggered with her collar, she just wants it to look like it just landed there effortlessly yet here it is standing up right by her neck

“Eunbi unnie’s buying dinner, she was just making sure whether to buy you food or not”


Yena replied as she dropped her hands down, stomping her feet a little as she had enough with her collar, maybe she needs to get it wet so it could soften a little,

Hyewon who heard the little stomps coming from the girl, started to walk closer to her,

Placing her phone by her armpit as she signaled Yena to come closer, she never really knew that Hyewon knew how to fix these types of clothes,

But to see that her collar looked a lot better than earlier, she was very much thankful for her.

“There, looks good right?”

“You smart hamster I fricking love you”

Yena quickly went out to see that it’s already 5:37 pm, she and Yuri agreed on meeting before 6:50 and a bus ride to where they’ll meet might take a good 15 to 20 minutes,

She wished that Chaewon would just let her borrow her car so she could look cool for Yuri too but the girl made sure that Yena was nowhere near her car as she took it with her even though Minju even insisted on fetching her yesterday

“Someday I’ll buy a car, I’ll make sure that it will happen”

Yena said as she pushed the door by their entrance to feel yet again a refreshing breeze pass by her,

Spring welcoming their final hardships as the flowers are already starting to bloom, the boring bushes she would always pass by back then were slowly filling up with flowers and Yena seems to love it,

Nothing could go wrong with flowers and their colors, not until your allergic to them then my bad.

Waiting by the bus stop as she kept looking down to her phone, Yena’s really considering on spending money to book her own ride since she has been waiting for 5 minutes yet no signs of a bus is showing up,

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