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Seeing Eunbi popped out as she looked  exactly the same how Chaewon was earlier when she was the one behind the door,

Her was hairline full of sweat as there was no signs of a smile in her face, a worried look to be exact could be seen and no matter how hard you tried to decipher if they were just joking or not,

There wasn’t anything that she could think about for them to act like this towards her.

“Promise me you won’t be mad okay?”

Eunbi had second thoughts whether this was the right phrase to say at Yuri as she’s not really sure what to do right now,

She just popped up out of nowhere and she doesn’t even have the will to push her away from their place since her intentions were so pure as she just wanted to visit her Yena unnie.

“Mad at you unnie? Why would I be?”

Yuri innocently asked, Eunbi’s eyes not being able to fully lock with hers as she kept looking away like she was trying to avoid such a huge mistake she did with something so precious to Yuri,

A distorted voice suddenly made a sound that reached Yuri and Eunbi’s ears that made the girl more confused with what’s happening behind this door,

It’s such a simple object yet it could hide so many things’ people or a person wants to.

“Not me, Yena”

“Huh? Why would I be mad at Yena unnie?”

“Just promise me”

Eunbi opened their door as she watched Yuri taking her shoes off in one swift movement,

Feeling Eunbi’s gaze at her as she took her shoes off as quickly as possible, she even took her cardigan off since she was in a private space already.


Yuri looked in front of them to see some sort of a fog looking thing or substance floating around near the living room,

The view getting scattered with it meaning it wasn’t as clear or bright as usual,

Yuri wasn’t sure if it was just because of the light coming from outside or did they burn something before she arrived here?

There wasn’t anything smelling so she’s sticking with the thought of the sun outside just hitting their windows differently for this afternoon,

She followed Eunbi to their living room knowing Yena’s room is the one in between the three,

She hopes Yena just fell asleep that’s why Eunbi and Chaewon were the ones that greeted her.

Hearing someone furiously talking from a far as she saw Hyeown by the living room with her leg going up and down as Chaewon stood up beside her,

Her eyes followed every move Yuri took as she herself was looking at Chaewon semi judging the girl as to why was she looking at her like that,

They turned right to see Yena’s door open, a guy inside as he was standing behind someone kneeling on Yena’s bed,

The lady had her hands by Yena’s face and Yuri wasn’t sure if what she was thinking was right but as soon as she took a couple more steps to get closer,

She saw Yena with what looks like an oxygen mask across her face,

The reason for all the ‘fog’ in the living room was the loud nebulizer on Yena’s bed as the thing was doing its best to provide what Yena needs and that is her medication that she has stored so whenever she gets this worse because of her illness,

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