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Unlike the sunny and windy atmosphere Yuri felt as she had so much fun on their P.E. class yesterday,

The weather took a whole 180 degree turn as a typhoon came in the city out of nowhere,

It was passing by the higher areas of South Korea but Seoul wasn’t able to dodge it since its area of landing still managed to captured Seoul under it.

And rainy days meant that there wouldn’t be any classes and Nayeon was also staying at home saying she doesn’t want to go out to chaos happening outside,

She immediately filed a leave as soon as she woke up to see the water droplets by her window.

Yuri already received the news that there was indeed no classes for today as even some of their professors had no chance of arriving in school in a presentable state,

They did say they’ll just give them some worksheets and their future topics for them to learn so Yuri might read through it when she feels like it.

Laying under her sheets as she comfortably scrolled through her phone to read some news before she gets the day started,

Yuri even melted at the sleeping Gamja right beside her,

She remembers the puppy getting confused when she came home last night but it looks like he already got himself familiar with her again.

Petting the dog’s head as she watched a couple of videos on her feed, Yuri had her stomach grumbling when she passed by a curry dish that looked so aesthetically pleasing and at the same time delicious,

She’s now hungry and she knows that she doesn’t want to order food out since the delivery guy would be soaked under the rain,

Thinking about what they have in their kitchen, Yuri wasn’t feeling like going out of her bed so she started texting Nayeon who was just in the room across of her

“Unnie we have cup noodles right?”

Yena was glad that classes were cancelled for today since the weather had her sleeping in longer that she actually slept through her alarm which was set an hour ago,

She’s not sure if the others woke up about it but nobody has entered her door since then so she thinks nobody really woke up.

The weather gave a very sleepy feeling and she thinks it affected all of them here,

Seeing a couple of texts from her brother and one from their class president,

Yena diverted her attention away from her phone because she knows that once she does start to scroll through it, she’ll never feel sleepy again until a couple of hours later,

Facing the other side of the bed as she hugged a pillow with her whole body,

Yena was flustered when one person entered her mind as soon as she closed her eyes again,

She was hugging a pillow and a face of a person came into her mind, she imagined for a slight moment that she was sleeping right beside her and to think about it,

Yena now wants to actually hug her knowing they would both feel sleepy because of the weather.

Unending cuddles, warm hugs, her sleeping in between her arms, her laying in the same bed as her,

Yena doesn’t know why but thoughts of her sleeping with Yuri just flooded it’s way into her head and its slightly bothering her, is it a bad thing or a good thing?

Like she has confessed to her already but Yuri didn’t say anything back to her after that,

It’s like they just lived with the thought of Yena liking Yuri and none of them has been bothered by it until now.

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