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Friday passing by in a blink of an eye

Yena’s now laying down at their sofa, Hyewon right in between her legs as Eunbi’s still passed out in their room

Chaewon’s already gone though, they don’t know where she went but she did leave a note that she indeed went out.

Yena and Hyewon are playing co-op in a game so you could hear them slightly shouting at each other for not helping them defeat certain monsters or help them in activating things

Yena here is Ganyu main while Hyewon’s head over heels for Klee, she’s not her main but she always has her in her party

To the ones who know what they’re playing, hi :>

Yena doesn’t know why but she always wakes up earlier than what she expects when it’s the weekend so she ends up staying like this for some time until someone else wakes up

And if it’s Hyewon, they would always end up like this.

The two hearing their door getting fiddled with, Hyewon stood up as she tried to read what was happening

Since there was no one knocking or calling out for them, this may actually be Chaewon, good thing she brought her keys with her now.

Her guess being right, the two saw Chaewon walk in with Tupperware’s in her hands and a paper bag with what they think is food since a certain aroma started spreading throughout their place when she entered.

“Oh, you’re awake”

“What’s that?”

Following the direction of Hyewon’s eyes, Chaewon looked down to see what she was eyeing

“It’s my sister’s birthday, we surprised her early in the morning so I thought I would bring some food back”

The two spring up as they heard the word food, Chaewon immediately placed her keys down by their side table

All three meeting up by the kitchen so they could start eating already.

“Someone had a good time last night”

Pertaining to the oldest who just woke up, the three knew Eunbi had a night out with her co-workers

And her having a low tolerance towards alcoholic drinks made Hyewon and Chaewon go out to fetch her

Good thing she has co-workers who you could trust her with, Sung kyu and Binnie were the ones beside her when Hyewon went in so she kept thanking them for calling her.

“Hehe who fetched me?”


Yena said as she came back with the newly reheated food in her hands, her lips pointing to the other two who were looking at something on Chaewon’s phone

“Right unnie Yujin asked if were still good to go?”

Hyewon asked as she stole a glance off the still yawning Eunbi


Yena butted in as it seems like they have a planned meeting without her

“Ask her if they’re still down to go”

“Wait, where are you guys going?”

Yena yet again asked before she took a gulp of the seaweed soup

“We’re eating out remember?”

“We asked you last night you said you and Chaeyeon were going out”

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