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Standing in a single file with their shoulders all lined up beside each other in front of the door to the backstage of the auditorium,

Multiple people continuously went pass them to celebrate with their loved ones after the once awaited and very successful play that took earlier this afternoon is finally over,

All of the students from the two courses made a promise to have their own celebration once school starts again so all of them would be able to join even the ones that have strict parents or packed schedules.

Yuri was standing beside Nako as they waved goodbye to their classmates passing by them,

The two were happy enough to see that their whole class was relieved to see the stage play they once wrote happening in front of them as they’re final grades were only 3 points away from perfection,

Yes, the professor’s that made them do this already gave all 79 students their own grades from the two classes and that already counts as a huge success based on the teamwork they created between their time together.

Seeing a familiar face that managed to hold everyone together with Rae’s leadership,

Yuri saw Paula smiling as a guy who looked like was at least a couple years older than her swung his arm over her shoulder,

The girl fixed her glasses back on top of her nose as he kissed her forehead before seemingly asking her about her day,

Yuri wasn’t sure if that was his boyfriend or does she and her brother have that close of a relationship with each other,

It amazes her how different they look from each other since the guy had wavy mid-length hair,

A couple of tattoos on his right arm, and I mean his way of styling himself could be a whole other level of intimidation since he did look like a dad waiting for his daughter at school,

He looked like he was at least 4 years older than them and Yuri was just plainly surprised that Paula indeed has a boyfriend like him,

He looked so easy-going unlike her and it made her think as her eyes followed them, it really isn’t about how others think about you or how you think others see you,

It really is that feeling you have between the two of you that matters.

“That’s Paula unnie right?”

Yuri asked Nako as she nudged her arm that also made Hitomi look on where they were looking,

Indeed seeing their senior slowly walk farther and farther away from them,
Nako was sure it was her based on how her hair was tied and Hitomi who just saw her for a couple of times,

Was also thinking of the same thing based on the cream-colored leather wrist watch she was wearing on her left wrist.

“Yeah I think so”

“I think so too, why do you ask?”

“Nothing, I never thought her boyfriend would look like that”

The three of them obviously following the two with their eyes thankfully didn’t make anyone look at them weirdly,

The crowd that was once passing by was slowly decreasing since it has been a good 20 minutes since the play ended and the doors opened up,

Hitomi had her hand by Nako’s arm as she tip-toed for a while to yet again see a good view of the people they were talking about before quickly going back down again.

“Well, he is odd looking but in a good way, he stands out from the rest and unnie likes stuff like that”

Nako said as she looked at Hitomi who she caught was popping a piece of candy into her mouth that made her awkwardly smile at Nako before she gave her hand out asking for whatever it is she is eating.

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