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Yuri was surprised that Yena knows how to drive a car too so her fear of feeling cold on her scooter was long gone once they entered what she guessed was Chaewon’s car,

She did immediately wear her seatbelt that made Yena look at her feeling that she had no trust in her driving, well her laugh did shake it off so Yena let her pass.

It is their first time in a car with only each other so she’ll make sure that Yuri will trust her with driving one starting today.

Yuri had no clue where they’ll be going tonight since the only thing she suggested is that they should go to somewhere unique,

Something special since she wanted to have a memorable experience in a much more unlikely place rather than the go to romantic café’s or museums stuff like that,

This will be her one take to have a remarkable first romantic date in her life so she had some expectations knowing that it is Yena she’s with,

The girl knows things even Nayeon doesn’t so she hopes she picked something like that for today or she may be a little sulky about it.

Yena saw how Yuri looked like she wanted to speak or say something out as her eyes keeps going all over the place,

Her lips were kind of trembling as if words were pushing their way out already as she fiddled with the small bow her dress had right by her stomach,

To be honest Yuri looked more than ethereal in Yena’s eyes, she doesn’t know if there’s other words deeper than ethereal so she just kept it in rather than trying to compliment Yuri.

“You look lovely tonight”

Knowing what she used was a little bit too far for a synonym to ‘ethereal’ made Yena look at Yuri who seemed like was caught of guard with her compliment.


“Do you have something to say? You’ve been fidgeting in your seat since we left the school, are you scared because I’m driving?”

“No! Definitely not........why would I?”

Getting caught off guard by Yena, Yuri knew she had her voice go a little too high so she hopes Yena didn’t take that in any other way possibly like anger and stuff like that.

“Then what do you want to say?”

Yena softly asked as she looked over to Yuri, she pulled the hand brake up as they are in an intersection and the countdown looks like it will take some time before they move again.

“Can you tell me where we are going?”

Yena didn’t specifically tell where they’ll go, she just told her that they’re going to make some memories for today,

Eat at a restaurant near china town, take some photos together and the other thing would remain a secret so she could be somehow surprised with it

Yena had a hard time finding it since she had no clue if things like that really existed near where they leave,

She compared it to one thing so Yuri would have some kind of clue on what it is.

“I’ve been dreaming of laying right in the middle of a highway since I was 9, I know thats dangerous but trust me what were going to do, isn’t.”

And that left Yuri with thoughts of doing something once in a lifetime yet isn’t dangerous which was indeed possible?

But the possibilities were too wide so she gave up with thinking that she can back out once she doesn’t want to do what Yena plans on doing.

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