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Monday classes coming in hot with an energetic Yuri who’s excited to go out for their physical education class,

She did sleep around 2 am in the morning fighting the urge to keep writing as her eyes were closing by themselves already,

She already thought of a final plan with her ending as she also texted Minji about it,

She hasn’t received any replies yet so she’ll still try to polish things more before sending her the manuscript.

Her energy incomparable to how she usually is, Minju’s not used to Yuri singing songs this loud while they’re professor’s writing equations in the board in front of them,

She usually hums some tunes but to see some people up front taking some glances to Yuri, she thinks she might need to ruin her mood for the sake of all of them,

Nako’s been looking back and forth between her and Yuri too so she thinks she’s also worried for why is Yuri like this today.

“Jo Yuri”


First of all, Yuri not bickering with Minju who just called her by her full name,

Second, Yuri didn’t call her back by her full name and instead here she is looking so innocently at Minju with her eyebrows up waiting for her to speak,

Now something’s really messed up with Yuri’s body system, Minju doesn’t even know if the person right beside her is indeed Yuri,

Like she did have her usual hair tie around her wrist for later but even the smile in her face looks like she did something last night when she and the other two went home,

And knowing where they last went, it has to do something with Choi Yena.

“Is everything fine?”

Minju again asked as she took a closer look on Yuri’s face to see if she’s yet again hiding something from them,

It’s always her face that can’t hide such things but she really looks like their usual Yuri,

She has her eyebrows pointed to each other as she bit her lower lip to enhance her focus on this mini quiz they’re going to have.

“Of course, why?”

A smile appearing ever so easily as Yuri took a glance on Minju, everything she just said became a false statement just now,

Her eyes had a calm look in them as her soft smile made her more furious onto what’s actually going on.

“Are you sure?”

Nako calmly asked as she side eyed Yuri to see the exact same view Minju is seeing, she’s right, Yuri does look like she just got accepted to her dream job or something.

“I’m sure Nako”


“I’m not believing you”

Minju sternly said as she made Yuri’s face look at her, the girl immediately taking her hand off of her face as soon as she locked eyes with Minju, she’s just acting so weirdly now and it’s starting to bother her just now.

“Why then?”

“You don’t feel like your normal self today”

“Really? I’m me though"

“That’s not helping Jo Yuri”

“Then I’ll make you think Kim Minju-ssi”

Giving one of her most teasing smiles as she closed her eyes as she looked onto Minju,

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