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“So, freshmen are crossed off the list now?”

Eunbi asked as she yet again watched how the three are now having a much more peaceful morning routine than yesterday’s

Hyewon was eating breakfast, Yena was dashing back and forth in her room and Chaewon was still in the bathroom

Okay they’re just a couple more steps behind from having a not chaotic morning.

“She’s the one who said it so”

Hyewon replied back as she ate the last bite of her cereal before putting the bowl she used at the sink as she looked back to Eunbi to see if her mood already changed or not

“So we have 2nd and 3rd year?”


Seeing Hyewon go back to their room, Eunbi hoped she knew were their socks are by now

“She didn’t look like a 3rd year though, she was very new to me, also she had a land yard of our school already”

Yena said as she went to their shoe rack with her socks in her hands

She kept thinking about the girl she had eye contact with yesterday and that’s why they’re all gathered by the living room this early in the morning

She kept remembering how soft looking her eyes were even though they just saw each other for a split second, how is Yena sure she may be her you ask?

She had a mole by her nose, the position looking so familiar to the one she’s been staring on last week.

“Just walk across campus later, maybe you’ll see her again”

Chaewon said as she finally got out of the bathroom, her hair fixed in position as her cheeks had a small amount of red tint showing

Eunbi couldn’t help but to stare at her as she was waiting for the other two at the door

“Bye bun”

“Bye unnie”

“I’ll fetch you later unnie!”

Was the last thing Eunbi heard from the three as she saw them leave one by one through the door

“Hehe, they’re so cute”


Yuri’s just hanging around in the campus field as Minju here said she thinks she might be late

They were supposed to walk around school to get some ideas on where they’ll do one of their projects yet here she is just staring at her unfinished book that has been on the same chapter for about a week now

Yuri’s been facing a phase called ‘writers block’ because of her missing ending so nothings been on track since then

Even her eating schedule is a bit off track solely because of it.

Sitting on the grass under the warm sun, it was actually a good day to hang out at the field yet it looks like she’s the only one here today

The only thing she can hear are the chirps from above as the leaves on the trees rustle because of the soft breeze passing by

She may look like a weirdo here alone outside but she really prefers being out here more than their very noisy classroom.

Yet again dozing off from reality, Yuri remembered how she had a hard time sleeping last night

And it’s just because of a simple happening that occurred in a blink of an eye

Speaking of an eye, that was the reason she’s been dozing off since she woke up.

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