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Since the agreed arrival time was 1:30, Yena, Chaewon and the couple got a little hungry after managing to clean their place without none of them fighting with each other,

Eunbi and Hyewon didn't even eat breakfast so they were the ones to volunteer once they talked about who's willing to go out and buy lunch,

Well Eunbi got to avoid some of the chores she needed to do because she insisted that she needed to take a shower before going out

That's why she looks all dressed up walking beside Hyewon who's still wearing what she wore to bed,

It's not that bad at all, Hyewon did look like one of those very chill aunts and Eunbi looked like her older sister so it lessen the creepy stares and looks.

She and Hyewon are walking back to their unit since their missions to buy lunch and some snacks like chips and popcorn and cookies was a huge success,

Based only on how Hyewon's carrying a lightweight box as how big it was can be deceive people into believing that Hyewon was somehow strong looking,

They bought drinks too and those are the only ones producing unbearable weight that's why Hyewon keeps tossing it form one hand to another,

Eunbi's just walking beside her while scrolling through her phone, she's been doing this since they left the house and Hyewon doesn't mind it at all,

She's just doing her things and she respects that, good thing she was the one on the inner side of the sidewalk or she would've been walking by the road by now and that's got to be a bigger problem for Hyewon.

Hyewon was just humming some songs stuck to her head when Eunbi started to burst out laughing right beside her,

She wasn't looking at her phone anymore but Hyewon could still hear a song playing from it as she thinks it may be the reason for her exploding laughs,

Stopping next to her as she let her settle down on her own, Hyewon just stood there tapping her right foot as Eunbi tried her best in keeping her laughs in,

Hyewon's dying to know what could be the reason but she's more worried about Eunbi,

She's been laughing nonstop for at least 2 minutes now and she knows that she does not have the greatest vital capacity.

"Unnie stop already I'm getting nervous about you"

"I-I'm tryi-"

Yet again starting to wheeze, Hyewon can't help it but to smile at her,

Eunbi really looks like a kid right now especially with the help of her laughs that she can't push herself to get angry at her,

They were just a couple of buildings away from their place so even if she suddenly falls onto the floor, she could easily call the other two for help.

With her laughs finally stopping once Eunbi herself felt like she was near her limit, she held onto Hyewon's hands as she caught up with her breath,

She knew she wasn't going to fall to the ground or anything, she's just making sure that she's still there waiting for her.

"What made you laugh like that anyway?"

Hyewon may sound like she was irritated or annoyed with Eunbi because of the tone her voice came out with,

But trust Eunbi, that was just her normal voice when she's intrigued on something she has no clue one,

It is one of Hyewon's bad assets definitely when Eunbi's in a bad mood too,

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