Since the whole place is rather noisy and loud the gunshots are not that audible but we could hear them because they are near. I could even say it's just outside the door. Peter now got to the two guys that are inside this place with us and they are talking something but I can't hear them. I used this to look at Arianna on the floor and grab her attention.
-Ari... Untie me. We need to leave.- She lifted her face and looked at me with horror evident on her face. She frowned and shook her head.
-We don't have time Ari. Don't you want to leave this place?- She bit her already bruised lip and I panicked thinking how this is a perfect opportunity when they are distracted and Arianna is not even tied. She can untie me and we can maybe leave on our own.
-N.N...No... He will kill us...- Now I furrowed my eyebrows and look at her with sympathy but I must admit I am also angry. Just yesterday she lectured me about things and now she is giving up. She is letting him control her and have it his way.
-Arianna! Snap out of it! We need to leave, and you can get us out of here. Untie me now when they are not paying attention.- She now looked between me and Peter who is busy at the door but still didn't move from her place on the floor.
-I...I can't...- I took a deep breath and looked at her pleadingly.
-Aurora... I can't leave Aurora without her mother. Please, think about her, I know you love her. You are strong, we are strong. Maybe we can do something, but we won't make any change if we continue to stay put. She began crying again and I nervously swallowed, throwing a glance at Peter to see if he is paying attention to us.
-You don't understand, Desiree... He wouldn't leave us like this if he knew we have a chance of escaping. He doesn't have... He doesn't make mistakes. We can just end up dead if we don't obey...-
-Maybe that's what he's counting on. Damien got here much sooner than he expected so he is unprepared. We can do something!- This time she looked like she is debating and before I continued to pursue her, she crawled to me. We looked at Peter but he is nowhere in sight. I frowned suddenly scared because I can't see him. It seems too convenient that he left the place right now.
-Hurry!- Arianna was working on my hands and as soon as they are released I bend down to untie my legs too and Arianna helped me. As I stood up, my mind getting clouded. Where should I go? I can't go to the door where I got in because they are probably there. Windows are too high up we can't climb...
-Is there any other way out of this place? Besides that door?- I pointed to the door and Arianna shook her head.
-I... I don't know. I was passed out when he brought me here... When I woke up I was in a small separate room.-
-Come on, we need to at least hide and see what is the situation.- I noticed Arianna is struggling to walk and I let her lean onto me as we made our way to the opposite direction of the door. Luckily Peter is not back yet but I do feel like it's too easy. He wouldn't just leave us, we are his leverage... We made our way somehow with the little light that we have and I found the door and my hope rise. Just as I was about to open it I felt a cold metal press on the back of my head.
-Well... it's not that I didn't expect that, but you should have known better.- I gulped as I heard the click of his gun.
-I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Don't shoot!- I yelled panicky, bringing my hands up in a surrendering manner. Peter now grabbed my hair roughly and my breath stopped from the pain.
-I still need you so you'll live, even if it is without a couple of fingers.- I looked at Arianna and she is silently crying, looking between me and Peter. I am so stupid, how can I get us both out of this situation? my mind is so blank. It's like all I can think about is throbbing in my head. While I was thinking about some strategy, the door suddenly opened, and now I can hear gunshots around us.

My Guilty Pleasure
RomanceDesiree Diamond is working hard to get her life on the right track. She's working to gain respect, she's working so she could be independent, to be able to stand on her own two feet. She's keeping herself busy so she could escape from her abusive pa...