23. Unexpected Encounters

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Damien arrived at the hotel about half an hour after our conversation ended. As soon as he came he sat behind me on a deck chair and hugged me! For a moment I thought I'm dreaming. I must have fallen asleep and this is a dream. Damien Moore came up to me and hugged me! I can't explain how different this is from his regular behaviour. I tried to ask what happened and what is wrong but every time he just silenced me. After a while, I just gave up and surrendered to him. I must admit that it's not so bad to have someone who could wrap you with his arms. Silence is welcoming at this point, it relaxes me. For a moment I imagined someone I love holding me in his arms and I feel so safe, like the rest of the world can't do a thing to me. But then everything crashed as I remembered its Damien who's holding me. He is the most annoying, selfish, egotistical, stubborn person that I know. I'm getting more and more nervous as the time passes and I can't keep still.   

-Damien? Are you going to tell me what happened? - I decided to try again but Damien stayed silent. Something in the way he relaxed his hands told me that maybe he'll tell me. 

-Damien? You can tell me, it's alright...- He again remained silent and I just wanted to ask him again but he wouldn't let me.

-God Desiree, you are so persistent! I  can't talk now... Just shut up for a while before I regret taking you with me. - He said slowly and I rolled my eyes. At least I know he's still the same, I just started to feel sorry for him. I even thought that he was abducted by aliens and replaced. Something now must be serious since he called me by my name. It's usually some pet name, but when he calls me by my birth name then things are serious. So I kept quiet, letting him tell me when he's ready.

-Desiree? - Wow... Guess who needs me now.

-Yes, Damien? Want to talk about it? - I asked him victoriously and laughed a bit.

-Don't get your hopes up. Of course not. But I have an idea. Let's get naked! - He said it like it's a brilliant idea.

-Excuse me! - I said a little louder and he put a finger on my lips.

-Shh. We don't want someone to come and see us, right? Now come on, get up. - He said cheerfully and I didn't want to obey him. This man jumps from one mood to another in a millisecond. 

-Why the heck would I do that? - I asked him, looking at him like he has lost his mind. he must be crazy! 

-Desiree... Do you ever have fun in your life? You act like you've got the broom up your ass. Have some fun. How old are you? - He said jokingly but I noticed a slight curiosity at the mention of my age. Oh it seems like he really doesn't know.

-I'm twenty-four years old. As if that means anything! I know how to have fun but my definition of fun is not getting naked outside. - I said and crossed my arms letting him know that there is no way I would do that.

-Don't shit! I thought you look very good for your thirties. You are too serious. Somehow you never laugh and always talk seriously about everything, and you are always so arrogant... You're too serious, kitten, now let's take off our clothes. Simply take off your clothes, get into this pool, and after that, you'll scream about how cold it is. Then you'll scream my name but for a different reason. - He said with a laugh but ended seductively. I didn't even process the end of his speech as I thought about my age. Do I really look like I am thirty years old? Maybe he's right. I never do anything fun...

-OK... –

-Seriously kitty, it's not a big deal, and besides, no one is here except us... Wait! What? - First, he talked as if he didn't hear what I said, and then he yelled in surprise.

-I said okay. Let's go skinny dipping. - I got up and began to take off my clothes while he stayed still, looking at me with a wide-open mouth. I chuckled at that and now I'm standing completely naked in front of him.

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