36. Ruined Things

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I woke up hearing some beeping sound. My head is in such pain and I groaned as I saw light. Damn, it's too bright... What the fuck is going on? As I managed to adjust my eyes I looked around only to notice familiar surroundings... This is a hospital. Everything is white and I'm hooked to an infusion. What has happened? I tried so hard to remember but only bits and parts came on, not the whole picture. It started to annoy me and the beeping sound became louder. Suddenly a guy in a white coat, the doctor obviously, walked into the room looking at me with some serious face. Okayyy... 

-Why am I here?- He ignored me completely, looking into my eyes, checking my head... Weird. I groaned again as he grabbed my head, feeling pain from my forehead. Wait for a second... The last thing I know is going to France with Damien... In France, everything is blank to me. I looked at Doctor again, annoyed with his silence. Who the fuck behaves like this?!

-Can you PLEASE tell me what happened? Why am I here?- He now looked at me with wide-open eyes.

-You are really awake? Do you know who you are? Can you tell me your name, today's date, and which day is it?- He asked me a bit excited and worried at the same time and I frowned. This is getting weirder and weirder.

-Hm... My name is Desire Diamon. Date... I don't know what date is today, I feel like some parts are missing but I think it's the middle of august. Yes, something like that. Also, I don't know what day is it. I know it was Friday when I went to France with... Am... With a friend.- I said honestly, blushing at a mention of Damien. Where is he, did I pass out again? Oh God, is something wrong with my baby? My heart started beating faster as my hand went to my belly protectively.

-Doctor... Is my baby okay? Tell me honestly please, is that why I'm here?- Doctor looked at me again with some worried face. 

-Your baby is fine. We did the tests and everything is alright for now, it wasn't in danger.- I nodded, feeling relieved. I know I want to abort but still... I feel so unsure of it and this now... I felt so scared, so sad at the thought of losing this child. I smiled, petting my stomach lightly only to notice that the doctor is still staring at me. Oh right, I have more questions to ask. 

-How about you tell me what happened now? Why am I here if nothing is wrong with the baby, and why does my head hurt so much?- 

-Well miss. You were in the hospital for four days. First in France but when they made sure you were okay and stable they moved you to Miami. You have been waking up several times, with no memories of things. This is the first time you seam conscience which is good. You still have minor amnesia but I'm sure everything will get back to you very soon. As for the reason why are you here, you were in a car accident. It wasn't that bad, but you took a good hit to your head. The driver was in critical condition for a while but now is stable. He is in another room in this hospital, he just arrived today.- Doctor said it like he's telling me a weathercast and my heart started beating faster, evidence in the loud beeping that's now heard in a room. I started panicking, now worried about Damien. Why can't I remember a car accident? I need to see Damien, I need to be next to him. I tried to get up but my head started to hurt so much and the doctor was next to me in a second, pushing me down. 

-Miss I wouldn't advise that. Give yourself time to heal. You seem good now, but you never know with the brain. There are some people here to see you, I will let them in, maybe they can calm you down.- I barely registered what he told me, still obsessing with thoughts about Damien. Oh God, the doctor said he was critical, I hope he is good now. He has to be...

-Desiree...- I looked up only to see Aylen in front of me and I smiled, happy that at least someone is here. She will tell me details about Damien...

-I'm so glad to see you... I need you to do something for me.- I said fast and Aylen frowned a little. 

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