Chapter 6

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I awoke to the sound of whispered profanities from behind me, and Sombra unhooked himself from around my body and clambered out of bed as fast as he could. I turned, blinking the sleep from my eyes. He was muttering to himself as he slipped on his armour and cloak as quietly as he could. I turned back around before he saw that I was awake.

"Bloody mare. Bloody bond. Bloody feelings that are getting in the way of everything I've bloody worked for." He let out a snarl of frustration which I only just managed to contain myself from squeaking at. Sombra sighed and then I heard him walk over to the cavern entrance. Deeming it safe to move, I looked up to see the last of his red cape disappear into the harsh blizzard outside. A breath I had been unknowingly holding in was let out.

Looking around the cavern, I began to notice the little details of Sombra's living space. There was a small pile of rotting meat in the corner that I only just made out. It was camouflaged into the wall. I made a mental note to chuck that outside. There was also a lot of dust everywhere apart from the bed and specific parts of the cavern floor that were frequented by him. That would have to be sorted out as well, considering I had nothing else to do. I turned my head towards the pillow. Maybe I could just have a quick lie in... I fell face-first back onto the pillow and closed my eyes.

When I finally decided to get up, the first thing I did was hunt for something to eat around the cavern. All I could find was a small pile of cooked meat from when I was brought here, so I made do and ate a few chunks. I would have to pluck up the courage to ask for water when Sombra returned. There was no way I was going back into that storm without the power of the moon imbued within me, or at least some warm clothing. 

Looking around, I saw a stick with some smaller twigs attached to the bottom of it. That looked a little like a makeshift broom, but it was covered in dust just like the rest of the cavern. Obviously he'd never used it before. Walking up to it, I took the broom between my teeth and began to sweep. I swept for what felt like hours and when I finally finished the cavern floor, I looked up and groaned through the wood of the broom handle. Abandoned cobwebs littered the roof and walls, and so with a final huff of annoyance, I spread my wings and flew up to get rid of them. Every so often I had to dodge a sharp stalactite hanging down, and when I was satisfied, I flew down and placed the broom back where it originally was. I set my sights on the rotting meat next. 

Pulling the bedsheets off the bed and wrapping them firmly around me, I grabbed the meat in my mouth, cringing at the smell, and walked out into the blistering cold. The wind whipped at my fur and I could already feel it affecting my skin. I quickly dumped the meat down and covered it with a large pile of snow, patting it down, then rushing back to the cavern. As soon as I entered I breathed out in relief. 

"I'm never doing that again..." I muttered, as I laid the bedsheets back onto the makeshift bed. Just as I finished smoothing the fabric, I heard hoof steps in the distance, coming closer to the cavern entrance.

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