Chapter 44

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I woke the next morning as the sun was still rising into the sky. I heard deep breathing behind me and could feel Sombra's restricting hooves around me. I guess he can't stop himself once he's unconscious...

I lay there, pondering last nights revelation, if I could call it that. It seemed like the only logical choice I've ever made. If I don't make choices then I can't make a bad choice, right? Pursing my lips, I tried to think of other alternatives. Nothing seemed any better.

If I just did what Sombra said and didn't associate with anypony else then no pony would have to die again, and I might be- happy? The thought of it almost made me laugh. This soul bond has barely given me any happiness. It would be nice to finally get something from it.

I heard a groan from behind me and Sombra's hooves tensed as he woke up. He started saying something but hesitated, probably noticing how close we'd gotten during the night.

"Did you think about what I said?"
"Yes," I said hoarsely.
"And I've decided what to do," I whispered, mostly to myself.
Sombra hummed, not entirely sure, but not willing to question me with last nights events still hanging in the air. He eventually pulled away from me to get ready for the day and I stayed in bed, waiting for any universal sign to do something.

Before he left the room, Sombra turned back to look at me. Still in bed, I glanced over at him before turning away, and I heard the door quietly close with a click.

I watched as the sun slowly made its way across the sky, and I watched as rain clouds started to gather overhead. I watched as the rain began pouring down and I closed my eyes, the only sound I could hear being the patter of it against the window. Eventually, I tuned into hushed voices outside the door.

"At all?"
"No, your highness. We haven't heard her at all."
"And you didn't think to check she was still in there?"
The door creaked and I cracked my eyes open to see Sombra lay his eyes on me, in the same position he left me in. I could see him breathe out a sigh of relief. He closed the door behind him with his hind leg and walked towards the bed.
"What are you still doing in there? Are you sick?"
"No," I responded.
"Then why are you still in bed?"
"No one told me to get up," I muttered, burying my face in the pillow.
"No one told you to- what is going on Y/N?"
He sounded annoyed. I sat up slowly, taking a deep breath.
"Every choice I make ends up being a bad one. I've decided- I've decided to just not choose to do anything anymore."
He was silent as he tried to process what I'd just said.
"Are you serious?"
I nodded.
A laugh so loud it shook the bed I sat on came from his throat. I flinched at the suddenness of it.
"Oh that is hilarious! You're telling me you just won't make any more decisions in your entire life purely because you were a little bit naive?"
I pursed my lips and frowned. "I think it's a good idea..." I whispered.
"Well, I will tell you exactly what I think of that idea, Y/N." He walked up to my bedside and pulled my face close to his. "I think that idea is utter bullshit. You need to stop being afraid of your situation and own up to your own fucking mistakes. You need to figure out for yourself what you want to do and you can't just become a husk of a pony to be happy. You need to fucking choose." His breath rolled over me in warm waves and I could feel the effect of it tingling through my body.
"I know full fucking well you haven't chosen me. I know full fucking well you haven't chosen Celestia. You need to buck up your ideas and tell me, right now, who you're choosing. Tell me now, and be fucking confident in it, otherwise you're not worth my time."

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