Chapter 14

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It was dark. I could barely make out the cell bars from where I sat, shivering. The coarse wind blew in from the barred window and made the whole cell freezing, and I only had my own warmth to huddle into. 

I should have known this would happen. As soon as I went from helpless victim to withholder of information, I would be treated like a prisoner. 'Celestia's a kind ruler' my ass. My whole perspective on the ruling parties of Equestria have changed dramatically over the past ten minutes. Celestia only cares for the majority, stuck in some sort of utilitarian state of mind, and Sombra only cares for himself- narcissistic bastard... 

Why can't I just be free to make my own choice without the bias of my bond choosing for me? I want to tell her, god I want to tell her everything I know so badly but the thought of Sombra being killed- it makes me horrified. I want to scream and cry all at the same time. I want to throw myself from the tallest tower of Canterlot-

No, stop. Thoughts beginning to run away from me, I shook my head and stood up. "He's fine. If he wasn't you would know," I whispered to myself, pacing the freezing cell, suddenly worried that I gave something away even though I said nothing. 

I sat in that cell for a few days, maybe one more or one less than I thought. I had no idea what day it was. I was given one small, almost mouldy looking meal every day. I didn't know the time. I paced every day until I collapsed in the silence of the dark cell. I couldn't begin to imagine ever getting out. And then, sometime during the moons wake, the door to the cell corridor creaked open. I jumped from my curled up position and watched in apprehension as Celestia showed her face. 

"Tell me what he's planning, and I'll let you go. You are of no threat to my kingdom, Y/N and I don't want to hold you here against your will."

"If you don't want me here then just let me go..." I whispered.

"This is for the importance of all of Equestria! Why can't you see that?"

It was obvious she was trying to keep calm in front of me. 

"I can't tell you anything. You're going to kill him, aren't you?"

She put her head in her hoof, groaning slightly. "He is a threat to ponies safety Y/N. Please, please for the love of anything and everything, have some empathy!"

"You didn't answer my question," I said, voice shaking slightly, "are you going to kill him?"

"Of course we are! What did you think would happen? He'd be let off scot-free? He would just go on a rampage somewhere else!"

"I can't tell you."


"Princess Celestia." I cut her off. "I want to help the ponies of Equestria. You know I do. I want to tell you everything I know. But I can't. Not won't, can't. Every fibre of my being would die if I did so. Don't think that your words of wisdom will change my mind because I never had a choice to begin with. I didn't choose to be bonded with a tyrannical leader from a thousand years ago. I didn't choose to have feelings for him. I didn't choose to be rescued. None of this was what I wanted. So don't you dare try the guilt spiel on me. It's not going to work. I don't feel guilty because I didn't do any of this. Nothing in this situation was my doing. Now if you want to waste more of your time speaking to an innocent, locked up party, be my guest. But I won't be able to help you."

She stood in silence, shocked.

I looked back at her. "Get out."

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