Chapter 3

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I am always mistaken that I like someone because of the way I look at people. It shows intimacy and love, but the reality is my looks are so deceiving. I can look at people like I'm in love with them. That is what I don't understand with me. I can manipulate myself, but in the end, I'm so confused.

"Are you sure about this chae?" Lisa worriedly said when I told her about Jennie's condition and helping her for Mrs. Kim. When Jennie is 17 years old, she has no choice but to follow her Mom, since now that Jennie is old enough and in love with me again, there is a high chance that she will turn away from her family and choose me. 

If I broke her heart, there is also a big chance that the effect of being hurt by me can damage Kim's Business because who knows what Jennie will do. I'm their only way to get Jennie on their side.

I can turn my back and not get involved, but I hate seeing Jennie hurt. The threats of the Kim are nothing to me because I can bring all of them down. Maybe my reason is I took care of Jennie for years, and I have this feeling deep inside that I should not hurt her just because she hurt me so bad.

"She looked at me the way I always wanted her to look at me again; she looks in love to me, Lis." I sigh, "I beg her to love me again, I beg her to show me that look ten years ago for two years; it looks so real,"

"Do you still love her?" Lisa wrapped her arms around me while caressing my hair. She knows what I've been through. "Cause I don't want to see that Chae again," that Chae, who locked herself inside her room and isolated herself, and tried to kill herself. 

No one wants to see that Chae again, even me. I worked so hard to cope with depression, and the main reason before is for Jennie to love me back again. 

If I'm a mess, she will not come back, so I decided to fix myself, but in the end, It damaged me more; until one day, I decided to do it for myself and look where I am now.

"Lis, I already moved on; it just feels weird because It feels real. Is that even possible? That she doesn't love me and avoided me like we don't know each other, then one day she looks at me like I'm her world," I scoff in disbelief.

Lisa and I stopped talking about Jennie and diverted the conversation, and talked about business. I told you earlier that I'm a mysterious Person. And Yes, I don't go to work because I have people working for me, but only Lisa and Jisoo know about it because they also work for me. 

I owned P.C.Y Group, which I established when I was in grade school. I made a business plan just for fun because I'm bored, it is about technologies door locks that provide safety and also new features of phones, I'm a bright kid who can think about innovations of what I'm holding, And my grandparents saw it, and they became my first investors and risk all their remaining money for my idea, and now I'm the wealthiest person in Korea, but my identity is still hidden from the world. Even my parents don't know about it.

But, My Job is to go for volunteers to help an orphanage and other stuff. I don't do much about my company because I only give my Ideas to Jisoo, and they will do the magic and make me money without stepping into my building.

"Why do you choose to rent here and not go to live in a mansion, or should I say why don't you build a palace," Lisa curiously asked, which made me chuckle with her overreaction. "seriously, girl, you look so poor and trash,"

"Well, Looks can be deceiving Lis, and I chose to rent here because Aunt Faye needs me. There is no need to worry about me; I have security hiding around me if something happens. I'm hiding my identity, remember?" I smiled. It is the apartment I lived in when I decided to move on because my old place is full of Jennie's memory, and I can't avoid seeing her in every part of my room. Well, Aunt Faye became my family after that.

"that landlord is so lucky to have you, chae. Anyway, I heard from Jisoo that Alice is trying to apply to PCY Group, but we know what we will do,"

I smiled, thinking about my Sister working for my company. I know that they abandon me when I was in grade school and left me with my grandparents and took Alice because she's the favorite one. My parents made my life hell, and because of Jennie, all that feeling of being in hell disappeared because I thought that as long as I have her, everything will be okay, but she left.

I became an orphan because when I stepped into high school, my grandparents died, but I'm already rich at that time. My company is stable, but losing Grandpa and Grandma bleeds the company a little, knowing that they don't know the new CEO, which is me, they are on the verge of not trusting; that is why I worked so hard thinking about strategies and how I will climb the ladder without exposing my identity and proving to my people that they can trust me without knowing me.

Jennie became suspicious that time because I also tell her that I'm busy with school work and giving her different excuses not to go out with her; after one month, I passed all my written reports to the company and let my workers do the job for me and voila, I'm the richest bitch here. All my time is given to Jennie.

But one day, I heard that my parents died in a car accident and abandoned Alice in Australia. Sadly, my parents are so bitch that they didn't plan for Alice when they disappear; all their money went to all their debts and left Alice with nothing. Sometimes I'm thankful that they left me to my grandparents and Pity Alice for getting her.

Alice doesn't have enough money to continue living and try to find me, so I sent someone to help her; I gave her a house, dressed her, sent her to university, and paid all my Parents' debt. Now I'm the proudest sister because she's now a Lawyer and will become my business' lawyer. She's undoubtedly hired because she knows that she's a PCY Group scholar, and I'm so proud of her.

I know Alice tried to find me, but I blocked all her way of finding me. I don't hate her, but I'm still not ready to show myself to her.

"Good, please take care of her," I winked at Lisa,

"Of course, She's my girlfriend," Lisa smirked.

"Yeah, yeah, I sent you to Australia to look for her, not to make her your girlfriend," I rolled my eyes at her.

"Well, I want your wealth, but I can't have you, so I went to your sister," She laughed. "She's hot, you know,"

" Ohh bitch. Just don't hurt my sister, I will surely kill you, Lisa, even if I love you so much," I devilish laugh; I can feel how nervous she is, but seeing my best friend fidgeting and jittering in her seat makes me laugh even more, "Loosen up babe, I won't hurt you," and she sighed.

"Okay, I need to go now; my ex-girlfriend must be awake by now; I will go to the hospital," I said, getting the key to my cheap car.

"Move now, Lis," I winked at her


"Yeah, yeah, whatever, bye Lis, I love you," I said while she was still shaking in her seat.

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