Chapter 35

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Chaeyoung' s POV

I am facing all the files and playing with the tip of the paper like a kid. I'm so hoping that Jennie is not my sister, because I'm hoping that she's not my Dad's daughter but no! It's the worst.

I chuckled as my investigator jittery beside me.

The day Chloe Kim gave birth is my birthday. And the day she filed a case against my Dad is one day after my birthday. There is no other file about me because she lost me after she gave birth to me.

It means the file for kidnapping is for me.

My Dad and I don't have a close connection. He never showed care to me. But why he stole me from Mrs. Kim and abandoned me. As I remember before, Mom always looks at me with pity, but I know that she loves me, maybe because she's not my real mom, that is why she agreed to leave me too.

Alice told me that they just tried to protect me!

But according to the files, Mrs. Kim has been looking for Roseanne Park in secret for years, and the funny thing is up to now, she's still looking for me.

And I saw a photo of Mrs. Kim crying in the garden of an unknown house, and a source said that she goes there every date of my birth.

"Thank you for all of this," I said and asked my investigator to get out of my car and go home.

If Dad and Mom are trying to protect me, why I can't feel that way?

I couldn't sleep, which lead me to think the whole night. I thought Dad loves Mrs. Kim, but why he raped her? I thought they love each other.

Another day has passed again that I didn't go out of my room and thinking, thinking about what I should do.

I feel like I lost someone I love again.

"Love, You didn't come to work," Jennie entered my room while I pouted while feeling her body slid under my blanket and wrapping her arms around my waist.

I turned around, but she bumped her head to my head.

"I know there's something wrong," Jennie sighed. I feel my body disgusted with our position, but it's so comfortable. I closed my eyes, and I felt her soft lips touched mine.

After seconds of being out of my mind, I detached and slapped my face. She smirked and went up from my bed. "I still have that effect on you," Jennie chuckled.

No! I kissed my sister.

What am I thinking?

I'm so stressed, and I don't know what to do next. Are we the first sisters that want to marry each other?

"Seriously, Chaeng. Tell me?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I will tell you when I got answers," I shyly said.

"Okay! See you tonight, I guess? June has been asking me to go out with her, more lately. And I need to go," Jennie cupped my face and gave me a peck again on my lips. "I love you, Hubby," and she winked at me as she went out.

This can't be.

I need answers.

Claire Kim can't kill me.

So, I run to prepare and go to Claire Kim's house.

Claire won't hurt me. Gosh, I remembered how I disrespected her before. I remembered how she outed me and made my name dirty. She messed her own daughter's life; she disgusted me and almost killed me. She destroyed my life without knowing that I'm the one she always wants to have a beautiful life.

I even told her how amazing Jennie is in Bed. This is embarrassing and disgusting.

This is a mess.

I knocked on the door and saw Claire Kim opened it.

I bumped her and entered the house without her consent. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Mrs. Kim said.

I didn't speak and roamed around the house. And in every corner, I can see paintings of Roses and a signature of R and C. And her home is also full of Roses.

"I can sue you, Park Chaeyoung, you know that!" She pushed me.

"Roses huh," I laughed as I faced her with a pain in her look.

"Why Roses, Mrs. Kim?" I asked.

"I will call the security!"

"Answer me first, Mrs. Kim. Why do you hate me?" I said because I am damn so curious. If she's a good person before and why she changed this worse.

"Because you are disgusting, a poor gold digger, and I don't like you for Jennie!"


"Because you're a Park! I don't want all or any Park to hurt my family again,"

"I will never hurt Jennie!" I yelled.

"No. I don't like a Park in the family," Mrs. Kim seriously said.

"But your daughter will become a Park, o no, she's a Park," I said which made her widen her eyes.

"My daughter is not a Park! she's a Kim!" Mrs. Kim gritted her teeth. "Get out of my house! or I will make your life living like hell!"

"You made my life hell for years, Claire," I smirked. "I know you still remember,"

"Roses, this is giving idea for what to name to my daughter. Hmmm, Roseanne. It's beautiful. Roseanne Park," I dryly chuckled.

"Stop playing with me! I know that you have money now! I don't believe that you didn't get anything from the Bae's!" She went to her telephone to call security, but I immediately destroyed the line.

"You did this to get back to me, are you? or to blackmail me to get Jennie back!" Claire laughed, "It won't work, Chaeyoung,"

"No, I won't, Claire. I can't marry her," I seriously said. "Not anymore,"

"I can't marry my own sister, Mom," I said as she froze in her place, digesting what I just told.

"Roseanne, your daughter with Charles Park. He hid me from you, for who the hell knows why," I chuckled. "I've been asking why they abandoned me, why they made my life miserable. The funny thing is my own Mom made it even more hard for me. Even my own Mom wanted to kill me,"

Claire started to jitter and trying to move and say something, but she can't.

"Now, Kill me. You have the chance; I'm in front of you. Kill me. Cause I can't have Jennie anymore. And who wants to be the daughter of a rapist?" I said.

"No! you're not a daughter of a rapist!" Claire finally said. "I'm sorry, I don't know what to say, but I didn't know. The Parks left a big scar in my past, and I hated them for taking you away from me. Roseanne, Please, forgive me,"

I laughed crazily and said, "So you believe me?"

"If I'm not a rapist's daughter, then you loved each other. But why he made me suffer?" I nervously asked.

"He's not your Dad; I'm already pregnant before he raped me. He thought it's his child, but no." Claire trembled from her place.

"Why would he rape you?!" I yelled.

"Revenge," Claire said. "He knew everything,"

"He is so mad that he drugged me,"

"He discovered the reason why he can't have what he always wanted to have," Claire shivered.

"He did it to punish us,"

"He asked me, but I don't want to file a divorce," Claire nervously said.

"With who?!" I said coldly.

"With Chloe, Your Mom," Claire finally cried. "Charles already took a lot from me,"


I'm not satisfied with this but yes, I hope you like it. 🥰

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